
It’s still theft of IP. Just because law enforcement no longer goes after the consumers of pirated materials doesn’t mean it is legal or moral. Ultimately you suggestion to lowering cable/internet expenses is still stealing so fuck yourself.

I think it can be a matter of perception. I’m not saying this is you, I don’t know you. But my sister is the person I know who always talks about having to reward herself to stay sane and refusing to live in “misery” because she has a low income. But as an outside party, she makes seriously questionable and

I disagree with your last statement. I don’t own a Mercedes but I do have an Infiniti. I make good money and have a lot in savings and a large retirement account. At my income, having an Infiniti instead of an Accord is my version of “fuck it, I’m buying that coffee.”

My issue is people who put “nice things” before having reasonable savings. If you are homeless and own a Mercedes you DID make bad decisions. Sure you can’t control losing your job but you could have bought a Civic and put the difference in savings had had 12 months rent in the bank. Now you’re homeless because you

Yeah, but breaking the law because you disagree with a business model and find a company to be “too greedy” isn’t the answer. So fuck off harder.

Yeah, I kind of wonder if you’re not on to something with entitled generation aspect.

Aren’t Kodi boxes largely used for illegal streams? I know the boxes themselves are legal but I feel like the whole point is to buy “fully loaded” boxes and get illegal streams. If you’re going to judge me for overpaying for content and your personal solution is to steal it you can fuck right off.

No lots of people have both. These articles are fine but the language borders on trolling sometimes. I have cable, internet, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. I use all of them. Its expensive and when I throw in my cellular bill it really does make me sick to think about sometimes. I don’t have Comcast, I have Cox. My Cox

My annual rate of return over more than a decade is well over 4%. I don’t think a bank will give me a unsecured loan for $3M despite that.

Two spaces is correct. Period.

Why do you NEED to talk about being a vegan? I just don’t get this attitude that people are tired of the backlash from topics they bring up, frequently unsolicited. There’s a reason why atheist, vegan, crossfitter is a joke.

You know what an easy solution to that dilemma is? Not being a self-rightous, obnoxious cunt about your lifestyle when you’re sober. Exercise an OUNCE of chill about being vegan and no one would care. Specifically, if no one KNEW you were vegan no one would think you were a hypocrite when you drunk ate bacon. But none

And the device was made by 12 year old slave labor in deplorable conditions. So apparently an iPhone is OK but an ice cream isn’t.

This whole line of thinking is fascinating to me. Like a deal is only “good enough” if its going to drive the business under. Jesus people.

Uh, some purses have like metal “feet” on the bottom. That would scratch their car. /s

My pet peeve is people with pet peeves about things when they are objectively (or at least expert consensus) wrong! I used to love listening to Car Talk when someone would call in all high and might to settle an argument and be told they were categorically in the WRONG. Best part of the show. E.g. the no shoes guy and

The article says it uses chemicals to simulate the air quality. That line made me wonder if its actually polluted in there or just safe stuff making the air hazy and the walls brown to look polluted.

Well, you’re saying it wrong, making this entire article one of the dumbest things I’ve ever had to read. I kept reading looking for some bit of quirky humor but you are legitimately upset that someone is pronouncing word correctly just because its not how YOUR 6th grade science teacher said it.

Yeah, some people call it a salt pig. It changed my life when I watched my mom using hers while cooking. I was like “you just have salt in a bowl like that?” Hers is like a ramekin with a lid. She was like “uh, I didn’t invent this. I bought one a week later.