
It’s been a while, but I thought you could assign skill points to party members on the Normandy.

Best has to be either Jill or Leon. Sheva’s great too, and she’d probably round out my top three.

Problem is, it’s clearly NOT Isu tech - you literally just explore some old tombs in the Valley of the Kings and find portals into various afterlives.

ROI = Return on Investment.

If I recall correctly, at first he thinks he’s just seeing a vision or something, before deciding to just go with it. By the end, Bayek seems to be 100% onboard.

Curse of the Pharoahs is genuinely excellent. Also, I’m just now remembering that the whole thing kicks off with the angry spirits of dead Pharoahs manifesting in the ‘real’ world and just attacking everyone, so there’s an entire other layer of supernatural nonsense with absolutely no connection to the Isu/First Civ

As a reminder, Assassin’s Creed: Origins features Bayek traveling to the Egyptian afterlife and interacting with actual Egyptian gods. No Isu technology, no drugged hallucinations, just matter-of-factly ‘the Egyptians were the only ones who got religion right’. Heck, you can even meet one of the main campaign’s enemy

I don’t play Destiny anymore, but I still wish they’d make Fallen playable.

The only thing I can think is that it’s A: kind of SUPER presumptuous for someone not in any sort of creative position on a game or movie or whatever to release a ‘Director’s Cut’ of a work they weren’t involved with, and B: dumb to just shove cut/beta content, much of which may very well have been cut for creative

I think what Dolsh is saying is that they have different priorities than you, priorities better served by Apple’s walled garden approach than Android’s (relatively) open ecosystem. Is it so hard to consider that different people care more about different things?

Man, I remember the first time I figured out I could cheese the leveling system in Morrowind by tagging Athletics and Acrobatics and just run around in circles and jump everywhere for quick, easy levels... right up until I started running into tough enemies with my combat skills still nearly at their starting values.

Yeah - like how the Super-Soldier Serum was impossible to recreate until it wasn’t anymore, or how Tony needed the arc reactor in his chest to keep him alive until he didn’t anymore - plots exist to serve their stories, and retcons are part and parcel of any long-running franchise as different authors with different

Speaking only for myself, when I see ‘From the X that brought you Y’ and (at first glance) it’s not the same developer/writer/designer/director/whatever, my first thought is that it’s someone tangentially, at best, connected to the thing they’re calling back to - I’ve seen too many movies that have been billed as

“We’re the most technologically advanced nation on the face of the planet. You really think we let the plant that’s key to our entire system of government (not to mention our national security) grow in a single cave? That was Cultivation Cavern 32-A that Killmonger burned.”

My Best Friend’s Exorcism is very good, but maybe not quite as much fun as Horrorstor. The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires is also excellent, but honestly, my favorite thing he’s written is Paperbacks from Hell, a super fun and interesting nonfiction analysis of horror/thriller pulp fiction through the

Getting some real Torgo vibes from that header image.

(Cursed City) Pre-orders went live over the past weekend, but promptly sold out, so if you’re looking to spend the $200 GW wants for retail price, you might be waiting for a restock.

I am very excited for this, though it blows my mind it’s not on Switch too - surely the Switch could handle a 360-era game.

All I ask is that Benoit Blanc affect a different, terrible, accent in each movie with absolutely no explanation.