Imma go with tone deaf.
Imma go with tone deaf.
I laughed out loud when all the action stopped in the stadium, and everyone looked up to see Drogon flying into view. It was a perfect reaction to a dragon flying in to potentially burn your ass.
The effects were awful. They must have ran out of money.
And he could have been the VP. I’m sure the democratic party secretly thanks the gods they lost that election.
Nailed it!
But it is the perfect show to turn on when you’re house cleaning or working from home. You don’t have to pay attention to it too much.
Burned through four seasons of that. I quite enjoyed it.
Thank you! You can’t pay bills with exposure. You can’t feed yourself with exposure. This payment via exposure bullshit has got to go.
When he played in the NCAA tourney a few years ago (2008), the broadcast teams were constantly talking about how attractive his mom is (she is).
Damn. All three are a set of mini-mes.
I keep on seeing people say it undermines her character growth as well. Most of the comments seemed to say that now that her character has been raped she is now ruined. As if to say if she was just strong enough and her character had really grown some ovaries, no way would she have allowed herself to be raped.
Yes. I think they like the idea of the Sand Snakes, but had no idea how to bring them to life. So disappointed.
The way the show has handled Dorne has been pretty disappointing.
Thank you! Just because someone is successful doesn’t make them “New Black”. Just look at Jesse Williams. He’s a black celebrity who gets it. I said Ed instead of Ned.
Exactly. Nothing in the books points to this.
I can’t remember if it is in the show or the books, but Lynna really didn’t care for Robert Baratheon, even though she was betrothed to him. She thought he was brute who was only good for fighting (she was right about that). The great love affair that Robert always talked about was one-sided
Stannis is smart as hell but just too rigid. You’d never have to worry about him bankrupting the kingdom. He would definitely be a hands-on ruler unlike his brother.
Re: 1) Yeah, i think that storyline is probably going nowhere. I do like how the show is trying to tighten up the overall story and not meander as much as the books do.
Yeah, no qualifiers needed. She is absolutely horrendous at ruling