
Every morning, I wake up and ask Siri what the weather is going to be on my iPad.

So, the opening crawl for EpVIII will just purely be a recap of TFA, I guess?

I did, Kate. We met in 3rd grade I had moved from California into the rather backward rural community where I met her. It was a tough adjustment... I was a precocious kid, and not unproud of it. I was also being raised in a faith that had very public daily displays of how we were different... we couldn’t salute flag

The very definition of a romantic comedy is, for the most part, every one gets together at the end throughout all of the screwball things that happen. That’s like saying you hate that war movies have battle scenes.

Katherine, you didn’t grow up in a small town, did you? By the time I left college half the kids I went to high school with (in a school much smaller than Hogwarts) had married someone they dated there... which in that town meant that they’d known that person, if not necessarily been friends, since before either of