Well, since these people clearly have nothing to do with yourself, I recommend you help Mrs. Y cheat on her husband (who sounds like a complete loser) with her bowling instructor.
Well, since these people clearly have nothing to do with yourself, I recommend you help Mrs. Y cheat on her husband (who sounds like a complete loser) with her bowling instructor.
I’m in a relationship with a man who is unattracted to me. But I found out he’s actually not attracted to anyone because he’s terrified of the patriarchal gaze that he used to be tied to. My problem? I’m jealous of this patriarchal gaze. I showed up in front of him and stared at his eyes to try to catch him and the…
Savage Nobody doesn’t live in California, so he can’t vote on it. Those damn Californians get to have all the fun Proposition names.
They now allow open gaze in the military (which is very useful when you need to spot flamboyant insurgents), but it is possible that Trump will attempt to roll back at least some of those protections. This is ironic, because Trump not only embodies “patriarchal” gaze, his vice-President almost certainly embodies patria…
Wow that is great advice that I have never thought of! Off to stand by the courthouse with a “FEED ME YOUR BALLOTS!” sign!
Hey Nobody, how are you voting on Prop. 69?
But all I wanna do is room a zoom zoom in the poom poom! Help!
Technically about a 1/4 of registered voters. Stayed home won the 2016 election by a landslide.
ok ok lets all hate each other and all generalize huge portions of the population based on one fact about them and decline to see their point of view despite the fact that through the internet and social media they literally see different realities to us
as a person of colour I’ve seen this one before...
Looking at these letters collectively:
I’m on team Exception on this one. According to the letter, we’re not talking about love here, just sex. It is SO HARD to find someone that good at sex, specially if you’re worried because of your age and past relationships.
Just don’t talk politics. It’s a no brainer: keep fucking the no-brainer.
On election night, my dad called me and said, “I’m sad. Half of my countrymen are evil idiots.” I guess there’s some comfort in it actually being less than half of the voters?
I think it just makes him America’s favorite colonel. He’s certainly Savage Nobody’s favorite Colonel. In fact, he and Savage Nobody go way back. He and I were a working on the railroad* back during the Great Depression.
Normally I’d say it was wrong, but given Trump’s previous successes, I’m starting to think America might be a masochist who gets off on the thought of a boot pressing on its face forever.
Dear Nobody,
“Who cares if you don’t want to do it?”
Assuming that the third letter writer’s s/o voted for Trump again in 2020 (I’d be more leniant if they had a change of heart the second time around), she just needs to ask herself if she’s okay with dating somebody dumb and/or gullible and/or bigoted and/or has no empathy.
If after a full term, she wasn’t sure who he voted for, he is absolutely not typical to the average Trump voter... who cannot shut up about Trump, libtards, and how much they love when Trump trolls these same libtards.
Therefore, chalk this in the “con” column and continue to fuck him.
Your first response makes me worry about what happens in your bedroom.