
Indeed, and a lot of her roles in the show are what black women in particular have faced.

I loved her introduction here, but I agree that the final 2 episodes felt rushed and half finished. I think the writers got into a corner with her character, as they didn’t have an idea of what to do with her past her introduction.

Black Principal - Asks very kindly for people to not wear or use the confederate flag (a flag that symbolizes for many americans hate, slavery, and the abhorrent oppression of other people) on school grounds after explaining why and being very diplomatic and overly respectful while doing so.

And the Department of Defense has developed or helped developed some things with civilian applications, notably the internet.

Listen not everyone is destined to have a life long partner that sticks with them through means of an incredible gravitational pull ok? The Sun is just single and we have to deal with that.

I just... I don’t know what to do with that information. It’s like learning that the world is being held in the hands of a toddler. Troubling, but difficult to wrap your head around.


Is this bait to get a bunch of guy gamers to mansplain fighting games? Because I’m not taking it.

I’m pretty sure someone just saying “no, I disagree” is still adding to discussion. You can ask him why, or tell him he is wrong. But just because he didn’t fully elaborate doesn’t mean he wasn’t contributing.

I mean arguably, the Greek Mythology is the first ‘shared’ universe in the western world. The Golden Fleece, Trials of Heracles, The Trojan War? There are at least a half dozen films without even getting that deep into greek mythology.

That won’t happen with this series.

You realize that disagreement is a form of conversation?

I’m sorry, I just can’t get excited by this prequel thingy.

Whether or not IT and security was faulty somewhere is besides the point. The culprits, sophisticated or not, are only damaging the industry and aren’t helping anyone, including themselves.

Anyone making justification for this act is lost.

-100 Points for being a massive bigot and racist.

I feel bad for her, but I also feel like common sense would have you googling ‘gorilla glue’ before putting it anywhere on your body.

For sure, Thanos did a number on the universe, even with the half of everyone, there would definitely be a massive number who were relying on that first half for immediate survival.