
I think you keep forgetting to change the grade from your HBO template... 

I’m just here waiting for The Root commenters.... 

I’m sure you are.

you get nothing since you love making rape jokes

now do Islam 

Show your work

I really think the ovation was just supporting Hader as he is now, not applauding that he said awful things and has gotten away with it or something. Brewers fans are just supporting a guy they like.

meh. Same people bitching about this are the ones who are crying “ALT RIGHT CONSPIRACY!” when it comes to James Gunn.

I liked season 1. But it just became worse and worse from there. Odd story lines that make zero sense. Bad acting (the dude playing Jimmy I fully believe is the worst actor on TV), worse writing. It just became a really bad TV show. I quit this past season.

I was more shoving that line back at OP after he/she literally typed that to me about 5 minutes prior on a different post.

and the thing you choose to respond with is “No, you’re wrong!”

but Supergirl is one of the better shows on CW

thanks for staying obsessed with me sweets.

Wow. Straight to the personal insults. Blocked. Enjoy!

Wandering into a thread and shitting on something popular just makes people think you’re a tool.”

pervasive sense of terror

given that you also commented about how shitty that show became, I’m just gonna say thank you for not charging me rent for that space I’m keeping in your head. Cute obsession bae.

too bad everyone gave up on Supergirl because the show is pure trash. Perhaps the worst writing and acting on TV right now. This would be a little more genuine if they did this two seasons ago. Now it just looks like a desperation last grasp for some eyeballs and publicity.

Season 1 was okay. Season 2 was bad. The acting is really bad, the writing is worse. No one can actually tell you anything good about Stranger Things except for “ZOMG NOSTALGIA!”

wow. What an original response. I can’t wait to see what you come up with when you take Internet Commenting 201!