
a large number of actors (and non-actors) of Indian descent have stated they have no problem with Apu. This was the case of a guy who wants to be a successful film maker needing an outrage topic for a documentary. It’s so odd watching white people discount the opinions of all the Indian-born because it doesn’t fit in

as soon as someone on Twitter told them to be bothered

I didn’t get anything. I just believe actors should be allowed to act. But hey, if you think only chefs can play chefs in movies, I can’t see what kind of top-notch production you put together.

the quirkier version

She’s funny and cool and weird! He’s funny and cool and weird!

Lucas Hedges is straight... but the gay community (which I’m a part of) is clearly a little more rational than the trans community. He seems to be a great choice for this role.

they only “decided” to do what they did when Trump criticized them... not when the small handful of other players around the league had been doing it for over a season. That was nothing more than bruised egos kneeling.

yeah dude, let’s not sell that he’s some household name either, though. He’s not. I’m sure Titans fans know him, but past that? A good chunk of people didn’t know who this guy was until last night.

Even Kaepernick has already said these have run their course and are not really having impact anymore. If he wants to do it, that’s fine... but at this point it feels a little empty unless he’s doing something else with it.

Not sure actions after the event are really that relevant; that can easily just be PR. I’m okay if a significant percentage of his current and former teammates publicly vouch for him

Quit dropping A grades on Sharp Objects and Westworld and I might be able to take you guys more seriously over here.

By pretending that we care one way or the other about it

still crickets on G. Howard though, eh?

Getting dunked on by the family of a rival fast-food patriarch is a new low for Papa John.

but a number of former OSU wrestlers have said he failed to report allegations that team doctor Richard Strauss was a serial abuser of athletes at the school

wow. This is analysis that certainly didn’t exist 10 years ago. I’ve never heard anyone point out this difference. You’ve completely turned my world upside down today.

this is some really stupid shit

“Dude you might not want to be factual because it makes my white guilt come to the surface.” - You

This is the kind of history lesson that makes Gawker great; haven’t seen a piece this good in months I don’t think.