
"The cheaper the alcohol, the worse the hangover." - my dad

I wish. Lost the back in a bathroom. Most awkward way to break a phone ever.

I'm sorry but I can't get over that little girl being in a Rainbow Brite costume.

He makes Katy Perry tolerable. Taylor Swift is the next logical choice.

I always get excited when Darren Criss is mentioned in these things. I forget that he's a real celebrity sometimes. And hanging ou with Kitara? Hnng.

I still support the theory that the Maya saw a premonition of the film 2012, which caused them to end their calendar there. So, really, Roland Emmerich (sp? too lazy to scroll up) saved the world.

It was an important part of my life.

Haha. I'm lucky enough that my dad has paid for my phone for the past few years. He refuses to pay for a data plan and I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

This one time I watched a Christmas porno and the dude sang "Here Comes Santa Claus" and I can't hear that song anymore.

Poor Brandi Maxxx can't catch a break. :(

Ugh I remember reading articles like these from the female perspective in Seventeen back in the 90's ("What Guys Really Think!") and getting so depressed because I rarely fit the "ideal woman" mold. This was back when I was a babydidthatonce and didn't yet have my huge boobs or understanding that I'm the hottest

Yeah, my absurdly attractive boyfriend begs to differ on the "men don't like fat chicks" boat. Because he's all about my 200-lb. ass. Every. Last. Ounce.

Identify with =/= identify as. You can identify as a religion, a political party, a social movement, etc. without necessarily believing 100% of the group's principles. In fact, it's kind of necessary.

Because religion is an important part of identity?

Sigh. Religious clothes-shaming is shit. I don't care what another woman wears to shul, yo. That's between her and G_d.


The most crowded building at my alma mater has one flight of stairs for 9 floors with about 15 classrooms on each floor (and 2 of those rooms on each floor are lecture halls). So, of course, there is always a duo chatting away on the stairs when classes get out. Once, I got up the courage to say, "excuse me, would

Bullying can become a self-sustaining cycle. We naturally seek to confirm what we know, so if a bullying victim believes hirself to be ugly/fat/slutty/whatever, zie may subconsciously seek out information to confirm that idea.

I've been doing some genealogy research over the past few months, and a LOT of the women in my family married younger men. Usually it's just a year or two of difference, but I ain't complaining.

Can we please talk about how I learned today that Taylor Swift is about 9 months YOUNGER than me? Can't deal.