
If my real estate agent rolled up in one of these, I am finding a new agent. Clearly they can’t make good decisions. 

Or just stop doing slideshows.

There seems to be only one market for these. Divorced female real estate agents in their mid-50's.

Complete tangent, but the Gizmodo slideshow format needs a redesign. As an UX designer myself this is extra grating. Looking at this makes me want to pull my hair out and I don’t want to go bald.

Set up a camera. 152'-6" Canopener footage.

...illegal if the music can be heard from 25 or fewer feet away

Whatever engine is in the rental I am taking to track day. 

There are so very many red flags this looks like a parade in China.

I was at a car show and overheard someone remark, “Man, I hope what I am saying is never a slide in a slideshow on Jalopnik!”

I feel bad for the cyclist, and he fears for his saftey, but goddammit! He needs to press charges. The DA also needs to charge this asshole with attempted murder and send his ass to prison. Otherwise, as it stands, he gets a slap on the wrist and then what? Next time he actually plows into a cyclist and kills him\her?

1989-90 time frame, my buddy Alex and I skip work to go to the Philadelphia Auto Show on a Tuesday afternoon. As expected, the place is pretty much empty except for a few guys in suits, a couple of models and a hand full of senior citizens wandering around.

So Echo is going to turn into Daredevil Season 3.5 pretty much the same way Boba Fett turned into The Mandalorian Season 2.5.

Its almost like this was a huge ponzi scheme or something. 

More like a pyramid scheme that’s trying to hide the fact that it doesn’t have the money to pay out to its investors. Because that’s exactly what it is.

Counter point DON’T go to a nude beach.  The people you WANT to see naked are NOT the kind of people you would see at a nude beach lol.

Thank you for NOT making this a slide show! 

As the story talks about, GM is out-doing Toyota right now.  And it takes a LOT of creases to do that.

Worst dealership experience? I worked for one for almost 12 years (internet sales, then an upper management position in the internet/tech team).


Friday night and the profits are low
Going to bars where cryptobros’ll go
Where they rant about blockchain, thinking they’re sharks
You come to look for a mark

Any bro could be that guy
Crypto is young and the frenzy’s high
With a slide of power point, everything is fine
They’re in with a huge cash advance
And then