This is the Supreme Court not Trump. The Supreme Court decided that being forced to pay for political activism you don’t support is wrong.
This is the Supreme Court not Trump. The Supreme Court decided that being forced to pay for political activism you don’t support is wrong.
Good. Unions exist to get a fair deal for their members. Not to elect democrats or send money to far left causes. Members who disagree with these actions should not be forced to pay money to support causes they disagree with. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind your union leadership spending money on Trump’s re-election or the…
Good news. 5/9 of the Supreme Court can read and understand the Constitution. Now if only the other 4 could learn to read.
I wouldn’t date anyone associated with Splinter or Gawker or whatever name your offshore company goes by these days to avoid US taxes.
Your president started this. You should be mad at Obama. But he’s black so he can do no wrong according to racists here at the Root.
Gee, how crazy that the guy wants to wait until there’s some fucking evidence and not just some bitter hag’s accusation before we ruin a guy’s life.
I thought you didn’t want Trump to undo the Obama agenda? Make up your minds.
How long until this is shown to be a hoax? 1 day? 2 days?
Wow, what a racist piece of shit that guy is.
Goes both ways and the Right has more guns. Think hard before you start this shit in earnest. It won’t go the way you think.
New rules I guess. Time to start harassing and disturbing the left. Don’t let Pelosi, Sanders and Clinton have a moment’s peace. What’s good for one side is good for the other.
You know, you’re totally free to leave and go back to whatever African shithole country you came from. American is terrible and racist in your warped mind so I’m sure you’d be happier among the great nations in Africa. Go. Don’t stay in this racist country any longer Michael.
Retard spouts retarded nonsense. Typical of the Root.
I always enjoy the lowering of standards on behavior liberals allow for minorities. “No, we don’t expect you poor backwards people to behave to our white people standards. We understand you can’t help being shitty. And any white person who thinks otherwise is a racist!!!”
Build time machine. Travel back to 2014 when Obama was behind this. Then ignore it as the pliant media did.
Illegal immigrants support illegal immigrant. I’m fucking shocked.
Evil person brainwashed girl to think her boyfriend is evil. Boyfriend fixes girls delusion and girl remembers she loves her boyfriend. They have sex. RAPE!!!!!!
Why are vegetarians and vegans so angry all the time?
Please say yes. People might be able to eat in peace then.
Fine. Don’t expect vegan or vegetarian food at Ribfests then.