
Lets hear it, what makes CoD so bad, my bandwagon friend?

As a a longtime reader of this site, I’m really started to notice that more and more. If it’s not an indie or an RPG, people hate it on this website.

I mean, I only worked with the Kurds and saw how the YPJ got treated for five months or so, but sure, go ahead with that hypothesis. 

There’s a bit of nuance and a bit of subtlety at work here that I’m not in the least surprised that folks seem to be missing. When a series like Call of Duty tries to use the light touch, one can be forgiven for missing it among the hammer blows.

Washingtons horrifying staff of witch doctors

Republican here. Yes, his old shit was funny. And I feel it’s right to defend famous millionaires because it doesn’t matter what you’re worth, it matters if you are in the right. The problem here is that a person you idolize doesn’t agree with your world view. Political correctness is out of control and destroying


To all the idiots out there: if you are going to blame it on Been Shapiro, then you really are stupid. He is a Jew. He is not a proponent of Nazi propaganda. You are an idiot if you believe that you can paint Ben Shapiro as a an alt-right extremist supporter. Having an extremist/vandal support some of you does not in

youre right the talibans culture is equal to ours.

western civilization is superior. Thats a fact.

You glossed over Shapiro’s assessment of Western culture because you’re hoping no one assessed it for themselves. You just defended BuzzFeed for reporting what the attorneys said in court, then doubled down to pedal that same idea that Shapiro (a Jew) radicalized this guy to attack Jews. Hilarious analysis. Keep it

Indiana Synagogue Vandal Says He Was Radicalized By Ben Shapiro

You didn’t actually watch the whole video, obviously.


It’s alarming how far the ‘left’ news media has slid into full derangement since 2016. As a non-US observer to this, (meaning I have no dog in the race and couldn’t give a fuck about TRump one way or another) it’s bizarre to see.
A lot of people are making the US look insane and it isn’t the Trump supporters. In

More fucking horseshit.

Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,

Extactly this. These people are Regressive Leftists DESTROYING the left wing with every bullshit fake article. Every double down. Every continued tantrum. All the commenters who are ignoring massive evidence, and even Phillips retracting his comments. All of the jerks still writing these articles are creating Trump

Ah yes. The crowd of kids wearing racist headwear screaming at an old man with a drum were right all along and those of us (and OUR journalists) who watched them do it were wrong. This is a great take and I am quite interested in your opinions on who did what on September 11, 2001.

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

Fuck you, Jupiter, with your “I have my own gravitational pull” bullshit. All bodies with mass have their own gravitational pull. It’s call elementary principles of Newtonian physics.