
So these are supernodes. It’s a feature, not a bug. The problem is Facebook period. 

“The unintended consequences will be so severe, likely a mass exodus of great cops all across this Commonwealth”

It’s nice to know there’s someone out there willing to go full Pat Robertson in a pizza article.

Shut the fuck up.


That scene above looks familiar:

It could be even worse, if he chose to keep lying etc.. knowing what was best because he only cares about the election, then he would be gambling with a pandemic death rate. They did ignore it out of stupidity in the beginning but later on they chose to keep going, lying, probably making money on hydroxychloroquine

At this point I think he should be prosecuted when he is out of office, he directly helped the pandemic get worse. Here we are, not doctors ourselves and we could have done a better job. Oh maybe listen to experts? I do hope he gets sick, he has caused the deaths of thousands of people. If Fauci had been in charge of

It’s the same amount of time and sometimes longer here in CO

Sweet Jesus man!! Fight like hell you hear? Fight like hell.

Wow, that sucks. I hope you get well soon. 

Good luck and I hope you recover quickly and with no lasting ill effects.

If COVID-19 is such a minor annoyance as the WH keeps claiming, why was Ghomert not allowed to fly with Trump?

The thing is it isn’t mental instability, many otherwise non-crazy people believe this and other crazy shit about Trump. We are not on speaking terms with my mother because her former boyfriend (died last year) and friends had her watching conservative shit all the time and espousing some incredibly vile shit that is

I believe they’re currently either saying 1) he said that to taunt her, or 2) that wasn’t actually Trump, it was a body double. Seriously, I’ve seen that second one. These people are insane.

Nobody cares, Moby! Nobody cares.

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

Sure, and that’s why they targeted media vehicles specifically.

How does cop butt taste like?

Thank you. And to anyone asking “what does this have to do with video games?": Fuck you indeed.