
Staties here go hard. I once got ticked and when I showed up to court that single trooper had filled the entire docket (minus one by another trooper) by himself with virtually any infraction you could make with a motor vehicle. One of the state attorneys even joked with him “You’re why I don’t drive my nice car to

As a lifelong Virginian, I can confirm we have a lot of weirdly specific laws about cars, and they will pull you for them.

You’ve clearly never sat in one for a 4+ hour drive. The seats are bricks, the air conditioning robs most of the power away from the engine, and the stereo is garbage.

Can I go out on a limb and assume Yoda (Like actual Yoda) sometime before Phantom Menace was like a 2 pack a day smoker or something? If he’s that old cigarettes (death sticks whatever) might have been considered perfectly healthy when he was younger.

Responding to “How Trump Supporters Attack Journalists” by attacking a journalist. Way to prove him wrong guy.

I can’t weight to read all about Electricgate. Mark my words, this is how it begins. (I don’t think anyone is cheating yet, but this is the kinda thing that would make higher ups consider fudging numbers or having an “EPA test mode in their software”)

So like I finished the game. Granted I saw a bunch of the revelations coming, but I manage to do that with virtually all media I consume. Please when you finish I’d love to hear your opinion on the whole thing. Personally I enjoyed it, and it really gave me a different perspective, not necessarily on life and death,

On the roads front. I’ve made it all the way to Edge Knot and none of the ones I’ve laid down have been wiped out by the timefall yet. So good news there.

I’m sorry, Arnheim. First off you are my most respected Kinja commenter period, so it pains me to go against you on this. I know in your latest post you are only at chapter 4 (yes it’s on another article I assure you a point will be made). Anyways I’m 7 chapters ahead, and have read many Hugo award winning Sci-fi’s

Rip Splinter. It was legitimately my most visited website. I even kept checking it for weeks afterward hoping against hope for it to rise like a Phoenix. You will all be missed.

I mean racism and “screw you I got mine” aside, what the hell is up with the teenaged angst vibe in the Republican Party right now? Like I came of age under Obama and had my whole anti-establishment Libertarian phase. But then I grew up, gained some empathy, and realized I spent ~4 years being an insufferable douche.

If it was anything other than BS they would have suspended the two Americans who held up the pro-Hong Kong independence sign during their stream for 6 months as well. This is just a bear minimum appeasement to try and shut down this PR nightmare.

They could sell the batteries and engines the developed as off the shelf parts to make things like this easier to do.

I’m holding out for Freedom Cobra

Psh, Tallgeese 2. I for one want EW Tallgeese 1. (I kid as long as you don’t like the Tallgeese III we can be friends)

Who needs college when you could buy an 86?

I was gonna go on a rant about my depression and such but I’ll keep this simple and to the point, GO FUCK YOUR SELF! sincerely everyone who never asked to be born.

Homie, states already do that. On the car front there’s California’s CARB compliance. California also outlawed .50bmg, which makes sense because who the hell needs an anti material rifle? In Virginia I can’t hunt with a .223 rifle. Other states have banned specific calibers. Also have you seen the number of people who

I mean, and let me start by saying I’m liberal as hell and think you should at least go through as many hoops to own a gun as a car, there are plenty of responsible gun owners, like myself, who unless they are going to and from a range and/or are cleaning them keep them locked in a safe. The stigma should be against

Probably totally worth the price of admission to see the look on your passenger’s face as you hold your thumb over the ejector seat button.