
Is "shups" a Happy Endings reference? Please say yes!

Wild guess. What's your affiliation with the U.S. Air Force?

A bit off topic, but is there anyone on this Earth that actually pays for the care plan on a DVD or video game purchase?

A bit off topic, but is there anyone on this Earth that actually pays for the care plan on a DVD or video game

It was*.

Most importantly, the guy in the background looks like he's rubbing his cymbal nipples and enjoying the hell out of it. #politicaldiscourse

Password is Taco

Us not GLORIOUS Democratic Republic North Korea! Us evil godless western scum from Americas of States United!!

That's excellent. +1

Semper ubi sub ubi

The board can just fire Zuckerberg and tacitly give you permission to keep posting old Buzzfeed listicles on your wall.

To obtain a clean pink

Also, if you read closely, at least one side is missing the "wife" part of that scenario. But yes, that was roughly my initial guess as well.


No Abba Zaba??? This list is invalid!!!

As long as Snake and Drug Dealer are still around, that's fine by me.

I say any birthday in September is probably the way to go.

We call those "manmosas" and they are pretty tasty. Useful as a kick-starter for an all-day day-drinking session.

We call those "manmosas" and they are pretty tasty. Useful as a kick-starter for an all-day day-drinking session.

I'm blowing a coniferous.

This. One hundred times this.