
That genius has Bob Dylan running scared

No, that had to do with having toddlers in a car filled with drugs.

That’s not the point. You’re not going to wave a magic wand and change the way some people (especially teens) treat peers with mental health issues. And who the fuck are you or Rosie to decide that this girl should be the Norma Rae of this argument?

I think it is beyond fucked up and could be illegal to disclose a medical condition without consent even if she is a minor.

I would always have guessed that Cruise was the nice one.

Is Alec Baldwin that wealthy? I know he's rich but is he rich,rich? Except for 30 rock, I can't think of any projects that would make him rich, rich.

He’s a liar. He says every show “we have a great one for you today” and it’s not great.

Why would anyone take advice from a guy who has been divorced quite a few times?

I was always under the assumption that the DNA guests came on to get proof in order to file for child support and couldn't afford the tests. I remember my friend paying $900 but this was 20 years ago. Now, I see that you can buy them for $25, let a disinterested party witness the test and pay $89 lab fee and you still

Ok, instead of speculating, I read the article. Basically, she pissed off a guard so they tossed her cell. The tp was expired so they charged her with medicine misuse. So it was payback for not kissing guard’s ass.

I’m guessing - allowed 1 per month and had 2. Expired doesn’t always mean expired the way we think. Prison has it’s own lingo. Expired could mean it’s supposed to be out of cell by a certain date. Or if it was truly expired, maybe it could be a weapon or aid in creating hooch or who knows what?

There's a lot of rules. Whenever I used to send Damien Echols stuff, he could only have 5 books in his cell, magazines couldn't be more than 1 week past cover date. You weren't supposed to borrow or lend but I think that was more for gen pop to avoid fights and accusations. Prisons do have the stupidest, most

I wonder if it’s someone she’s talking to on the phone tweeting her comments?

Has there ever been a valid reasoning for the fall out? Was it bc AP won the emmy before JM? Was it bc AP got to dress so much better? Seriously, wtf is going on?

What are your opinions on public disclosure of a minor’s mental health condition? I find it troublesome and feel it will cause an even bigger rift in the family.

You would have to know her pw unless Rosie bought the parental control package.

Where did u find bio mom info?

I had a husband return a used pg test. The wife called before hand and I guess it was bunk. I just gave him a refund and went on with my day.

Sometimes, the young ones are so eager to follow company rules about being friendly and engaging customer that they don’t realize it’s not appropriate. Also, they haven't been jaded by or become immune to things, yet.

Exactly. Like wtf is the big deal about buying tampons? What would they even think that cashiers would think besides they have a SO on their period? Cheap butt plugs are the only other option!