
“... a disgraced astronaut who decides to go to the deepest depths of the ocean.”

Hey fellow fans! Thanks for the kind words. I play Kate Bishop in this! If you want to see more Hawkeye stuff and other things I’m working on check out my facebook fan page and like it! And share Hawkeye with your friends please!

What do they have for entertainment?

Get the folks who used to do the musical numbers for Phineas and Ferb to write the songs!

Not a fan of the new banner, guys. Kinda creepy.

CHANGE...THE LOGO CHANGED!!!! *breath gmoat* okay, I can deal with this...lol

Wow the red eyes look awesome. The horns seem more pronounced too.

A lot “director’s cuts” or “extended length” versions are released as Unrated. What’s interesting here is that they are specifically marketing this one as R to cash in on Deadpool’s success.

Yeah, the whole first season was about her mourning and moving on. It’s totally appropriate that he’s not there — although admittedly sad. I think the real solution is to get both Atwell and Evans on Dancing With The Stars. I’d actually watch the show then!

RIGHT?!?!?!? NO one (save u) picked up on this?! Jeez, he coulda just been sittin at the end of the bar in his civies just watching the show and smiling, and every time she kept trying to get closer to him the dance numbers would just grab her away. but noooo....... (cue the trampoline in front of the Carcharodon

I thought the Jarvis ending was great ... until the real flowery ending!

Great, now bring back my replaceable batteries and I’m on board again. I have a Note4 and the original battery began dying completely at 50% and then 80% within a year and a half of it’s life. I don’t know how people are able to put up with non-replaceable batteries. Why were people so quick to sacrifice or were eager

Who else is skipping BVS to binge Daredevil first???

My favorite thing about Taskie is that he's truly a mercenary. He'll leave if the pay isn't worth it. He's much more *practical* than any supervillain, because he doesn't have any cause other than his paycheck. He won't work for flakes, and in the end he's really not a terrible guy.

I cannot comprehend why this show is struggling with ratings. It’s like people don’t want nice things.

Just like the original BSG was a response to Star Wars in 1977, this is the same attempt to cash in on the success of The Force Awakens.

Now you understand one reason why so many people with any standards for storytelling dropped out of reading X-comics in the 1990s.

TV spot showing city in the middle of reconstruction fails to get detail from comics right, outrages man on internet. Details at 11.

Wow, those were just....really bad. And they’re really doubling down with how incredibly crappy their Lex Luthor is going to be, aren’t they...?