
We understand you want to promote your sh... site or whatever overlapping any Tyler’s article with more and more of unneeded info. A few points about that:

The B-21 Boondoggle?

Recently made the switch for almost all of those reasons and almost immediately dropped a few inches off the waistline. I’m not super strict and will indulge in meat if I eat at out occasionally but otherwise don’t really miss it.

Some people are being crazy-defensive about this post. I’ve been vegan a really long time — roughly 15 years, in other words way past the point where I’m all that interested in proselytizing. But I roll my eyes a little when I see meat eaters act like a post like this is attacking some deeply held belief.

LOL - as a former meat-eater I understand your inability to let go!

Every time a story like this “crops” up I have to take the opportunity and sound like a Peta Whacko (though I am in reality an ex-beef eater that places NO judgement on those that do eat meat).

Constructive criticism + factual debate > useless sarcastic wanking

No, your sarcasm and negativity is **not** more valuable than their bullshit. Debunking FUD is a grand and good thing, but being an asshole about it defeats the purpose as it just antagonizes people. Especially since you *didn’t* debunk anything or provide any accurate info, you just mouthed off pointlessly and made

At least those commenters are trying to contribute something other than sarcasm and negativity.

- Michael Pollan

2 issues with the article. First, the Mitsu is hideous. How can you say it looks better?

I'm guessing you don't believe in global warming, so that's all I need to know about you.

Most of the world calls it "climate change" now because derps like you can't grasp the fact that "global warming" =/= "every day is hot forever".

The rest of the enlightened world does as well. The only people that don't believe in it, are, well, in fact glue-huffing apes.