Ian MacIntyre

What study was used? Also, the two studies that did show any benefit have been pulled, as those studies have been shown to be falsified, and basically then made the meta analysis studies bunked. One study, the first introduction was completely plagiarized. And, in both studies, the “scientists” couldn’t produce the

The journal might be fine but the lead author is someone from something called the Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.

And like his fellow ex-Bond Timothy Dalton, has discovered the joys of playing villains in addition to heroes.

Sure seems to me that the TVA are both, made up and a likely candidate for the show’s ultimate Big Bad. Though I’m not totally throwing away the possibility that it was Mephisto all along. (that sure looked like it was him in the stained window that the kid in the church referred to).

Ha! I just commented to someone else that this is my preferred theory, too. The sacred timeline being Kang’s preferred timeline makes the most sense with Kang being the next big upcoming villain.

That would certainly be a Deus ex Machina for a bunch of the hurdles Marvel Studios is facing at the moment.

Doyle is an ass, and you’re right in what you say about him, but the previous poster is correct about how poorly this article is written, in its unexplained references to the guy (I only knew he’s the G&M’s crappy TV hack because I’m Canadian) and to the frequently-cited-but-unlinked article that apparently provoked

John Doyle is a jackass critic for the Globe & Mail who is always saying obnoxious things. This include referring to Dan Levy as fey (a homophobic slur) and this article about the end of Kim’s Convenience, where he basically called Simu Liu ungrateful. 

My takeaway from all that I’ve read about this is that Ins Choi had his vision of the show and the characters, didn’t seem the least bit interested in hearing anyone else’s ideas, and Liu seemed to increasingly resent that, understandably. Who knows if his ideas for his character were any good, though (Jung should be

No, we are definitely not better.

Canada likes its clean-cut image of polite and progressive society, but they’re not better.

They show Savant and some others fighting at night in a later shot, so not that soon. But yeah, they gonna die.

Every scene is directed the same way, as though it were taking place on Mount Olympus: A wet mop hits the floor like Excalibur, while a sesame seed plummets for a small eternity during an at least relevantly slow-mo (and restored) introduction for Miller’s neurotic speed-demon rookie.”

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

Was it Marvel? Or was it SOROS?

Well three random people on twitter said it was actually really good so clearly you’re being paid by Marvel for some reason

That portion of the fanbase hasn’t been paying much attention then. And I don’t mean to the show, I mean to the whole MCU.

That’s the dumbest damn email I’ve ever read.

I remember about reading this. What a fucking tool. And to think he actually tries to charge people for his advice.

Regardless of how good or bad this is going to be, one of the issues that they can’t get past is how utterly stupid it sounds to have your characters saying “motherbox” multiple times throughout the movie.