
Is it even possible to jump into overwatch as a solo player these days? I’ve been curious about the game for a long time, but I don’t have a regular playgroup and watching it on twitch is a nightmare for me personally. I have no idea what’s going on or how any of the tactics work.

Forgiveness only ever comes after repentance Rachel, you gotta acknowledge your sins first honey. We are a forgiving people, but you gotta be sorry.

Because good kinja.

That’s some good CGI

I’m agreeing with you. I’ve also already bought my Kente cloth.

Came here to write, “look how the lord works.” Saw your tag.

They’re really gonna lose it when black people turnout for T’challa the way we did for obama. I know people already planning their afro-centric outfits to see it on opening weekend. BP’s premier is gonna look like the wedding from Coming to America.

South Park covered this in full.

This would’ve been greater than Jesus to 10 year old me, and I was basically being groomed for seminary since birth.

Is undisputed hit king still possible?

How do the refs do that in that situation? An international call was the correct tactical decision. They should have understood that.

I pray there’s light at the end of her tunnel.

I also just use a powerline adapter. 500MB down is $35 on amazon, 1gig is $44. Super simple. Plug into an outlet near your modem, harline. Plug the other near your ps4 and run a short cable. Now you’re hardlined for super cheap and you can add more adapters anywhere. Plus, they come in sets of two.  

Update: She died.

C-Sec Chief Ty: You may take shortcuts in the backwater, Krogan forsaken, sorry excuse for a rock you come from, but in C-Sec we follow the law.

 Enjoy life outside the greys.

Garrus could have his own series as a pissed off space cop and literally no one would complain.

Wade has a player option. He’s out at the end of the year, unless he really hates the Bulls and forces us to eat his 20m next season too, making him untradeable.

I still have half that set. Worked too hard for those boots.

I did mine with word of Crota too.