Bug Eyed Gekk

@Cash907Censored: I'm glad to see that Macross made the pole since they've had virtual idols forever

@wjglenn: Oh say can you see..

@contest005: I'm sure that you know best since you were there...

That skull has a very metallic look to it.

@smackela: Thanks, I just barfed up everything I had for lunch

My mother in-law attempted to cook a turkey over night a couple of years back. The results were less than encouraging.

I love Notepad++, best light-weight editor in my opinion.

What!? No love for the Queadluun-Rhea Power Armor?

@Krakenstein: the basterdization of an Anime legend (shakes head in shame)

reminds me of Resistance Fall of Man

A couple of years ago, I performed an engine swap on my NA 1989 RX-7 and was seriously considering putting a 20b-REW into it.

TSA has become on big joke. They're the worst type of security that we have. Abusive and irresponsible with the power they are given.

I love the 80's music. Takes me back to the A-Team and GI-Joe days

The Ghost-Cam reminds me of Evil Dead 2

@TrampaOnline: My personal favorite all-around awesome car.

Bring on the Zombie apocalypse

Wow, this sucks.