Bug Eyed Gekk

The platypus is how we know God has a sense of humor

Looks like I'll finally get to show off my samurai armor.

@elreyloco: Sorry, KOTOR2 just felt like KOTOR1 for me. The whole losing the force and being an exile thing was just blah.

@Facebook: Sorry, Apple patented that too. Be ready to have Apple's lawyers give you a call for even thinking about it

Is it just me. or does it seem like Apple is trying to patent everything we use

I've always felt that the games have been more interesting than the movies.

@1300ccsoffury: I love the sound of a rotary engine in the morning.

@bugilt: Looks like they all had to move to get out of the way of the dumb-ass cop

Wow, that unicorn sure does gallop gracefully, it's almost like it's not moving at all

It's like an Orange on a Toothpick!

Wouldn't it have made more sense for them to put out the fire and then charge them for services rendered?

@SewerShark: In science, there is more than way way to define "dimension" it's important to know which type of dimension is being referred to since it can vary between the different sciences

@Wade McGillis: So clearly I cannot chose the cup in front of you.

@Absent Blue: That is why people generally get confused when you take information and generalize it.

Like many fans, I'll just have to wait until the original 3 are released in theaters

@Isetta: If some some asshole cut me off and then jumped of his car, I would back up too.