Bug Eyed Gekk

Personally, I think the PS3 is the best way to go. Games, Hulu+, Netflix, YouTube, and painless DLNA support.

That's chlorine in the gene pool friends

Updated last night at around 10:15 mtn.

Let's face it, Dante is more likely to grab a guys ass now and that's just wrong

@amazingmao: Yeah, but you have to remember that not every iteration of a device is well recieved.

Thanks for the HDMI upgrade help with my Droid X

we have a pool and it really doesn't take thast much to take care of it.

@benfreefly: I would have to agree. As a Droid X user, I personally find the phone much better than Matt reviewed it.

Now playing

@illseeyouinanotherlifewhenwear...: You seem to be in the dark on this one, let me enlighten you.

Whay??? No love for the MR2 or Skyline?

@jblues: Apple would never do such a thing.

@Risingnox: Personally, I wish that the whole world would just stick to one system.

@macrumpton: The music reminds me of TV from when I was a kid

Wow, Katniss is uglier than I thought.

@tselliot: But if you can't see them, are they really there?

Awesome! When can I start buying as pets?

@FrankenPC: When you get those stickers printed out, let me know, I'll be buying one.

@Lemonade: Most of the screen shots are of apps and not of the actual Samsung OS.