Bug Eyed Gekk

Here's a capture of the screens shown in the video

@Lemonade: Clearly Samsung stole/cloned the iPad... /sarcasm

@m0m0: But there are alot of PSN games you'll never get to play

@Dukie: Awesome! (hearted)

I had a modded 360 for a couple of years and without Live, it just wasn't worth having.

@Guicciardini: Agreed, the attack on the Weesley house was completely out there and had no relation to the books.

@roughneck117: They will probably fill in the first part of the 2nr film with information they left out of the other movies.

@crosis101: The tablet probably reads, "I Nephi having been born of goodly parents..."

@CptnGrammar: You can only go there for so long before you catch something nasty

Curse you and your science!

@Xodin: I can't wait to see you dancing like a fairy in the streets and on the train in front of your iPhone like you would in front of Kinect so I can upload the video to youtube.

@Bogus83: Why not complete the set?

@zyodei: I had a friend who only survived a crash because he was in full armored gear.

I wonder what PETA thinks of this.

Blake? Isn't that a boys name?

Until there is a fix for making the older iPhones (3G/3Gs) slow, I'll hold off on updating my phone.