
Forget Fiorina’s fall, what about that “what the fuck am I doing here” eye roll she does right after she says “Ted Cruz” and immediately before she falls? That’s some Chris Christie level “fuck me” shit right there.

Clearly she understands the concept of “near luxury car”:

Texas forever.

Nope. It’d be awesome. :)

Heh. I was part of it, too. It all began when an Oppo (who shall remain nameless because there’s no point in that. Everyone learned and moved on) adamantly insisted that Fiesta sedans are shit and anyone who owns one is dumb.

Nope. The union contract makes it quite clear that they're still at-will employees, so any of them can be sacked at any time for no reason.

Well, neither am I, but even I knew that assertion was untrue.

I wonder what kind of comments a naked photo of you would garner? But go ahead, $kay, keep body shaming this woman. Keep perpetuating sexism on Jalopnik and Oppo. It's totes awesome.

I’m sorry for your loss. This is my boy, Enzo. He chose me when I went to the animal shelter. The above photo is what he usually does shortly after I get home from work: nap on top of me.

Am I the only one who sees Wonder Woman when looking at this car? The white stars on a blue field, sharp, red angles leading down to golden tips? It’s totally Wonder Woman’s outfit:

You forgot to add “#NotAllMen” to the end of your comment.

Random question, but does anyone know where I can get a print of this particular image? I’ve loved Wonder Woman since I was a kid, and this is a great version of her.

Have you tried HEB’s store brand, Creamy Creations? They’re the only other ice cream I like besides Blue Bell.

We just recently got Blue Bell back in my part of the state. HEB was limiting it to four tubs per person, lol.

Heh. I got the press release for this yesterday, too. I cannot wait to go buy the Star Trek ones. I’ve never been a stamp collector, but I’m gonna frame those.

You’re right about one thing in that the men in the armed forces will have a lot to learn and the first thing they need to learn is to quit bitching and get to work on that learning.

I agree, but an 80% disapproval rating is pretty eye opening. These are people being put into unimaginable and inhuman situations, and we expect them to deal with changes to the safety net of a social structure they are accustomed to just like that?

Meh. I disagree, Snacky. This woman sounds like a manipulative A-hole. The tone throughout is that she’s paying her daughter for her attention (college tuition, Christmas gifts) as if her daughter’s attention is a service that can be bought, like a waiter/waitress’ politeness. It’s not.

By not throwing that shit away, I inadvertently prolonged and worsened an already miserable divorce proceeding between my parents. I felt horrible, and neither of my parents spoke to me for about 6 months.

What if she had spent that $3K on a used motorcycle? Or maybe on a set of coilovers? Would that have been acceptable? If your answer to that is “yes” then you still need to re-evaluate your comment, because you’re still essentially judging her for choosing to spend her money (which she was free to spend however she