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Got it. I kind of like a fair bit of what she’s doing here, but it’s in several different keys and that’s a problem. She has a voice, though. Bad day maybe... just about any singer is going to have times when they can’t produce their normal sound.

While not a fan of her music, there is no question she has pipes. Such a range of vocal abilities.

Sometimes, her voice gives me goosebumps. In a good way.

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This one’s my favorite of hers. And I also love Jennifer Nettles.

My all time favorite isolated SNL vocals, and I can’t attach right now so maybe someone can Internet better than I...is Lana Del Rey.

Lol, I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but go off, I guess.

She’s legit. She’s musically talented and has pipes. Who on Earth is denying this??

You know, the next time you see an article about someone you don’t care for, you can just ignore it.

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I became a fan when she sang on The Howard Stern show.

Girlfriend. Stop with the plastic surgery. Right now. You’re on the cusp of no return.

I get the Madonna comparisons on a superficial level (bottle blondes, Italian background, both started their careers performing in NYC nightclubs, both bold with their fashion choices) but that’s pretty much where it ends. I felt like Gaga was more Madonna-ish when she first came out with “Just Dance” but I soon saw

I am late to the game and just now learning that she did an album with Tony and I AM HERE FOR IT. brb gonna go buy lol

My guy, who has been in music for years...from managing record stores...when you know...there WERE record stores to manage...being a DJ, etc., etc...said that all of the slow jams on her new album are RIPE for upbeat, off the chain remixes...and HE would know...

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I feel like this should be attached to every article on Gaga: performance from when she was a student at NYU.

You would have thought the album with Tony Bennett would have proved it.

I never thought much one way Or another about Gaga’s voice. Then I randomly heard her one day on Howard Stern’s show singing Edge of Glory (I think), just her on the piano. When her vocals started I was astounded.  

No, there never was any doubt. But it plays into the current entertainment narrative of comparing her with Madonna.

I can’t stand it when people say, “Wow, Lady Gaga can really sing!” Yes, she’s a professional singer. It is her actual job to sing.

I don’t know a huge amount about Lady Gaga. I have generally enjoyed her music. Based on my previous awareness of who she was through her artistic fashion choices, and these demonstrated singing abilities; I think she has sustainable talent.

Say what you will about Gaga, but admit that she’s super talented first.