You’re completely disregarding the fact that there’s crossover game developer hipsters. It’s not that uncommon.
You’re completely disregarding the fact that there’s crossover game developer hipsters. It’s not that uncommon.
She looks almost identical to a friend I’ve taught with at game design summer camps. She also looks very different from other friends of mine who are in CS, engineering, or game design. Because people (and, in case you weren’t aware, women are people) come in all shapes and sizes and can dress however the fuck they…
So what does a nerd girl look like exactly?
I suppose you’re the arbiter of who does or does not look like an authentic nerd.
This is news to me. I didn’t know there was “girl nerd” or “girl techie” uniform out there. Gotcha! I’ll look out for that for my next job interview.
So how does one look like a girl nerd/techie?
Don’t think so, but the usual idiots are already out!
Does it come with death threats?
As a woman in gamedev, she certainly doesn’t look like me, but she looks similar to some of the women in my office and plenty of women look like that @ GDC.
She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.
In my opinion techie girls can dress however they want.
I am genuinely curious about what “girl nerds” and “girl techies” look like. I’m... actually not being hostile here. Please do go on. Assuming we’re abstracting this to doll levels of archetypal stereotype, what would you have put in the box?