Stuff N Fluff

Try Kenji’s method on You strain the loose white first, then gently dump it into simmering water. No vinegar or swirling required.

xXx 4: xXxX

I cannot imagine that any project that hired Gary Busey would be insurable

A little Busey goes a long way.

People are nuanced and complex and say stupid shit sometimes that isn’t necessarily indicative of who they are but rather a one of a handful of flubbed comments over 6 decades of public life. It’s fair to criticize her over that but myopic to condemn her entirely.

Until giant cookie enter conversation, me have to go with donut.

I watched one, I thought it was a banger

Damn! But, to be fair to myself, I wasn’t casing the thread too closely.

I would prefer to just see the rating. I’m not really interested in how the rating is made.

Do you think they come off a little forced?

Get off her casing.

Don’t be such a brat.

Hot dog, we have a weiner!

I really liked that Boy Meets World episode but man sit-coms let you do stuff that in real life they get really upset about. Cory dove into the tank for his love, what do you mean I shouldn’t have..

If you’re eating Taco Bell, you’ve gone waaaaay too far!

Not nearly the same, but on our honeymoon at Disney World, my wife and I were there when they did one of those parts of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, where the family is part of a special event (in this case, lowering the flag on Main Street USA at the end of the day), and Ty Pennington talked to them on the big

Andouille even know how she got into the sausage reviewing game? 

Brat she’s so pretty.

Maybe people just think she’s an opinionated little brat.

I was there with my family when Roseanne was filming. We saw John Goodman walking around behind a bunch of taped-off areas. My dad was very excited to see him. Pretty sure we have some incredibly crappy, blurry, far away photos of him somewhere from that trip.