Robert Drebin

The planet isn’t dying, it just dying for humans and I am okay with that because we will made whole by the Marker in the end.

Waagh” South Park

(mis)quoting Pablo Picasso who said “Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal” — who in turn might be rephrasing Igor Stravinsky, but both sayings may well originate in T. S. Eliot’s dictum: “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better,

I missed the days where you could down rate shows....

Just like the advent of photoshop... you can either adapt or get left behind, but as with human nature we don’t like forced to change with times.

So I’m a little confused about this series... How is it any different from the AMC’s The Walking Dead or other Zombies series? I mean it a series about a pathogen causing people to become undead right?