
If you receive mail in someone else’s name (even if the address is yours) and open/keep it, you are already committing felony mail fraud.


Lawyers: would this be construed as a legal search or seizure? Pretty sure you need some kind of consent or at least a notification.

Challenging and winning those long shot challenges probably has a better chance than the abolishment/dismantling of the EC. Pretty sure that would take a constitutional amendment, and would require many of the states that are currently over represented (i.e., have extra power) to willingly relinquish it. All of this

W started that precedent post 9/11, and everyone was perfectly fine with the executive branch consolidating power (and various legal overreaches) because fear.

They don’t want to cut the “good” government programs, just everything else.

You didnt mention campaigning once in the post that i originally replied to, so please stop the righteous indignation.

I cant read your mind when youre “strictly” talking about something when you dont EXPLICITLY state it.

Can you not read? I never said she campaigned harder, that is just you reading whatever BS you want into everyone else’s posts. Direct quote from me:

I was at RSA, so I was always in HSV. I dont personally know that many UH personnel, but I had family high up in the PMO that have since moved onto to other project offices.

Believe me when I say that AL had to be just as bad as MO.

Flying around on a private plane isnt necessarily “working one’s ass off.” He had lots of jobs which he proceeded to neglect entirely, most of which required a good deal of reading and/or a good deal of listening.

Not saying youre wrong about Hillary since i made that exact same point elsewhere, but you are making a

We probably know some of the same people... Needless to say, I couldnt handle it for any longer and am now in commerce in Colorado (instead of AL).

The Christian invocations at literally every event were especially nauseating. Always funny how people may argue - well you could choose not to participate - when anyone

There is a reason a significant portion of politically active “liberals” have very little respect for this point of view, and it is because you willfully ignored Hillary’s message and all of her platform (which did address these concerns, she was just too foolish to actually “deliver it to the people” in states like

That’s weird, because pretty much everyone said that he was a lazy POS, and did absolutely nothing to prepare for anything (whether that be debates, or you know familiarizing himself with the actual responsibilities of POTUS).

I’m not saying it didn’t work, but to say that he “worked his ass off,” seems ludicrous.

I was talking about THE ENTIRETY OF THE OFFICE. I was just letting everyone know that I wasn’t personally a civil servant, even though a great deal of the office was (well that or active duty i.e., not civilian contractors).

PMO = Project Management Office - an Army term. These are the “main business offices” for any

Depending on where you were in the federal government, I would guess that these people may constitute more than a minority. I was a DoD contractor for a long time, and these types certainly constituted a sizable majority in every PMO I ever worked in.

That isnt really talking about the hoi polloi of civil servants and bureaucrats, but rather the upper echelons of a variety of governmental bodies that are not subject to appointment or election.

Most civil servants get their marching orders from these managers, and are not anywhere close to receiving input or

But i thought that the only people that were accountable for the actions of everyone in their demographic were Muslims.

Like I said I am ok with it being a penalty, but i know a lot of helmet to helmet hits incur automatic fines. That is fine when they are clearly targeting, or doing something reckless, but that particular instance looked like a proper tackle.

While he makes helmet to helmet contact on the second hit, that looks like a clean tackle to me - where the contact is incidental (he also keep his head up the whole time). I mean, maybe that should still be a penalty, but it shouldnt be a fineable offense by any measure.

you forgot #MAGA