
Wow you really a pos. 

Except Drake Bell didn’t “rape” any kids, dumb ass. He didn’t touch anyone not did he even ask for nudes or sent any nudes. He’s innocent.

full quadrant spectacle”? Marketing jargon is bad enough when it’s used correctly...

It’s been a long time since I read it, but I seem to remember the first movie covering only essentially the first half of the book, and then the second half got kind of darker (in a “Paul in Dune is actually bad” kind of way).

I’m not sure any other film really captured the feel of a pure 80s fantasy romp like this one did. I’d like them to use as many practical effects as possible, but that’s probably not going to happen.

I’ll go ahead and call it now: the Rockbiter in the original will look way better than whatever muddy, amorphous, CG-abomination they put on the screen in the remake.

On ebay, it looks like the average sold is around $80, some are up to $120 sold.

So glad we're past the time where every AI invented has experienced hallucinations, racist rants, tangents brought on by odd input data, and anything unexpected. It's been years since this has happened and we're defenitely ready to take medical advice without verifying the results. 

Oh, ffs. Kate needs to make a statement thus:

Now playing

I’d like to see an AI nurse doing nurse stuff like washing patients, changing their diapers, giving injections and all that jazz.

So who’s data are they stealing from to feed this so-called “AI” and is it in any way reliable??

Except for that weird bit where he thought Indiana Jones should be a child molester.

The difference between George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry is that Roddenberry died relatively early in the lifetime of the franchise, and since he is no longer around to remind us all how terrible he is, then it’s easy to fill in the gaps and pretend like he was a saint who made no bad decisions whatsoever.

They were mind-controlled, though. The idea that both were being violated by omnipotent jerks is explicit in the episode, and pretty consistent with Roddenberry’s Rules.

I love Star Trek but it feels like every time I read about one of Roddenberry’s rules or complaints about TNG they’re dumb as hell.

No wouldn’t work. There would have to be a guarantee that the source code provided was actually the source code compiled. Then you have to vet the compiler use to make sure it isn’t made to make programmed substitutions. Then you have to vet the computers that it runs on as well as the OS on that computer to verify

the lead isnt necessary. many other companies have similar designs without needing lead. 

‘this is how the humans smile, yes?’

All those people who are too happy to buy brand new cups just for the newest color would definitely buy one, and for a higher price.

That, and the ridiculous amount of spyware in TikTok makes it a legit security risk on anyone’s phone.