
Congratulations pranksters, you got to have a conversation with Tucker Carlson. Talk about a self-own

I’m surprised he didn’t call her “Sweetie”. 

And is a boomer with 12 kids.

Shysty/shyster is not considered antisemetic and is seen in print in various publications like Time and Forbes within the last few years.

So, she mentions up front that she was from the Pilot’s Association International.

Are you saying that who she was representing was not on the agenda for the hearing? Are you saying that whoever prepped these questions just saw that it was a woman representing the Pilot’s Association, and automatically assumed that

This has FedEx fuckup all over it.


He would have asked instead, “so what does a typical workweek look like for you as a CEO of an airline?”.

They also want to classify ANYTHING that acknowledges the existence of LGBTQ+ people as porn, so they can ban that next.

Plus he can actually act!

Hell, it’s even simpler than that! Her employer reportedly told her to cut the shit - multiple times - and she decided that preferred pronouns and “this was just like the Nazis” were hills to die on.

The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.

Hunters just want something massive to kill with their big rifles and put on the hood of their large trucks, because something else is very (very) small.

It’s such raging insecurity, they don’t realize they are just wandering around announcing it to everyone else.

I get that Romania doesn’t exactly have the right to a speedy trial, but why would you let a probable rapist and sex trafficker wander around your country at will? What do you think he’s doing with his free time, running a soup kitchen?

Eh, you don’t need as much backing to get nominating as you need to win. It’s an old topic.

“It’s too long!” cries the drooling audience before going back to their 7th consecutive hour of Ugly People On Dates: British Cake Edition.

One thing to note is that you don’t actually have to hit play on Netflix to start watching something. All one has to do is select something to read the description, and in a few seconds the app will decide that you’re definitely interested enough to begin watching whatever it is. No doubt it’s some stupid programming

This is the sole reason of this move indeed. The dude got skin as thick as cellophane

yes. he’s making his own safe space.