
It’s a good clue about how people will behave when a decent-sized solar flare really does cook our chips...and transformers...and powerlines...and generators...

I liked it more than most people but I think I had lower expectations and a generally high tolerance for anything apocalyptic.

That it hasn’t already is atrocious.

Yes, that, or they’re simply fucking stupid.

i’d anticipating waiting for a long time (unfortunately)

I can't fucking wait for Jones' media "empire" to get liquidated as part of his bankruptcy.

According to anything related to the feds Hispanic people ARE white (most of the time).

The Washington Post found that the AI image generator, Stable Diffusion, almost always identified food stamp recipients as Black

They weren’t criticizing your sentiment, they were confused by your entire statement because it’s missing a word and therefore makes no sense. 


Sure Elon. Now tell us the one about the 2 million robo-taxis.

When are you people going to stop taking his word for it? He’s a known liar. There is no second source for any of these claims. Maybe mention how many times he’s lied to the press, at least.

Fortunately, he’s never given us any reason to doubt him.

Please don’t report this as news. Musk has presented ZERO evidence of this. This is entirely speculation at this point until the process is peer reviewed.  Whatever he says should be treated as seriously as his robot:

Doubtful any of it is true. This is the guy that calls advanced cruise control as full self driving.

This is the stupidest premise for a movie. Yes, the country is extremely “divided, but not in the way that it was in the 1860s, not in the way that would lead to even a deep red state (or a deep blue one) literally succeeding from the union and forming a new government.

Yes... people “apparently” liked it to the tune of about $700 million worldwide. For an animated film. Not produced by Disney.  

Barsanti after watching the second movie in a trilogy and discovering that it was written like it was the second movie in a trilogy:

The Empire Strikes Back just ends with a big reveal, but nothing resolved, and one of the heroes has been captured.  I’d have done it so much better!” -- Sam Barsanti

“Movie with a previously announced sequel ends with a cliffhanger, in shocking turn of events.”