
@Denver: Yeah, I would like to think for myself less! Captions on every picture, no figuring it out on our own allowed!

@sassafras_: I assume that's sarcasm. If so, I see what you did there.

@CaptainJack: Anybody who says that has not spent time with either. I can literally read my Kindle as long as I've read any book. That's about three hours strait at least. Try looking at an iPad screen and nothing else for that long.

@Steven Callas: Exactly backwards. Unless you are the computer.

@farcedude: Incredibly expensive pocket watches.

@lostarchitect: For what it's worth, I find Casio's G-Shock line of solar powered watches, which can receive time from the atomic clock, to be quite nice looking. Especially for the $80 that mine cost. For everyone I talk to, the brands that cost this much are more for the status than for the ability to keep time

@adammp.the.gamer: This watch was made out of the melted down remains of your companion cube. You murderer.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: One that is also revolutionary, and will not be heard about until it releases... with an antenna problem, am I right? Yeah? Anyone?

@Random Acronym: Most excellent. I mean that in a Mr. Burns kind of way, not a Keanu Reeves kind of way.

@Timmy: Would you kindly read Ayn Rand?

@Malkyre: Stop war in Iran? No more high fructose corn syrup?

@Random Acronym: Now someone needs to post a picture with a blue ghost on the opposite side.

@Kogo: Square root of +1... Then plus one.

@SJRNWT: Try $2 or less.