
@Wwhat: I'm pretty sure that after spending thousands of dollars (possibly millions as I forget exactly how much submarines cost to build) the real reason is that they did not care as much about the toilet. At some point they were like:

@spicedhambox: Ignoring things always solves problems. That's why companies don't have customer service... Oh, wait.

@Arken: That's not what he meant and you know it.

@Wwhat: You kidding, in the military there is a price hike of around 5 times the normal amount it would cost for the exact same thing in the civilian world. I once saw a hammer that cost $100! It was a normal hammer, there were no special attachments and it was made out of normal metal (probably steel but I was too

@Ghostnappa9001: Yours is the drill that shall pierce the heavens!

@Harpsichord: This would be true if Microsoft only developed for consumers, but they develop for other customers as well. They are not trying to compete with WP7 as much as tell anyone who's interested that they are working on something that has non-consumer application. I mean, that concept doesn't even look

@tomsomething: It sounds like a candy I would pick up at a 7 Eleven. In a good way.

@Gary_7vn: Interesting, I would think the salt water would do more harm, but it could have to do with disturbing the contents outside of a controlled environment. If something is in salt water, the only way to remove it while disturbing it as little as possible would be to carefully transpose it in a container filled

@Jose Ugarte: Fortunately for him, there are very many worthwhile comments on this site. Actually, Giz and its affiliates have some of the best conversations I've seen on the Internet.

@Gary_7vn: It was unspecified what kind of water to keep it in. The criminal threw it in salt water, that does not mean the author meant they should keep it there when he said to keep it wet.

@Fronzbot: It should serve to increase a person chosen path, but it does not. Not initially. There are many hoops one has to jump though in order to get to their chose path, and even then it can still be rocky. Even if the other classes that have to be taken are fun, it is more than a little discouraging to realize

@Dr. What?: Aren't these people known as Meth addicts?

@sid9221: I also agree with this, which is partly why I believe that the online theory of teaching will work. Go to campus for the hands on, with less time and money spent maintaining a lecture hall. The college would save money as they would not have to even build those rooms that hold hundreds of students. This is

@sid9221: Damn, that's were I went wrong. I should have cared more about where I went, no wonder I suck so bad in school.

@bdkennedy1002: Dude, that was at a time when people thought hard drives were a luxury item.

@Sprzout: I thought it was to share pr0n with everyone. For a monthly fee of course.

@medopal: As is evidenced by the amount of proper grammar in that last sentence.

@sbunny: Don't forget to add the trees though. I remember he was very adamant about his trees.

I can see this happening. Before everyone brings the hammer down on me, I would like to say that this is not something that will happen any time soon. The problem with education online right now is that we have no idea how to go about educating people in most high end accredited classes. I mean, most students do not

@Wwhat: The reason we had to watch water intake is more because there is finite space in the tank than because it was considered wasteful. I think when people talk about wasting water, it has to do more with the potable kind than the ocean kind. Most of the water on land is potable, even the stuff we use to water our