
@superbad: Oh, they do eventually, but considering the locations I've been, that tank has literally saved our lives. The dump takes place out of harms way.

@You're Banned: Reminds me a little of being on a submarine. We had gravity toilets that flushed to a sanitary tank. The flushing was actually sea water that was pulled from the water around us. Instead of a flush, there was a valve that would allow sea water to flush the toilet and there was a giant lever that opened

@vinod1978: What I meant is that the iPad needs to come with the ability to program out of the box. That was probably not written well originally, and truthfully I have no idea if it does since I have not delved too deep into the programs it comes with as I don't have one. This would mean that the iPad, while

@tande04: Awesome, I'm definitely in if that's the case. Not a fan of the slate design (though I would have gotten one eventually anyways), but I have always loved the slide designs. Partly because it feels cool to slide open and partly because it seems less prone to accidental button/function presses.

@Parmentiplepper: I actually believe it is their way of making the phone more than just a thousand icons everywhere. This way you will not get lost in the amount of "stuff" displayed on screen. I love the look of the iPhone 4 (though I love the look of this phone better), but I never understood how the hell people put

@gerb01311: I think they are bothered not because of the fact that it's there, but because Asus typically does not mark their products in that way. Usually, at least from what I've seen, it just says Asus somewhere.

@PierceTheVin: I hope they have a slide Windows 7 Phone, that would probably make me want a smartphone. With a huge screen of course.

@frigg: Yes, I agree with the first part. Many people have seemed to forget exactly what "computer" means. For example, technically the abacus was considered a computer. So is our brain.

@vinod1978: You also have to take into account the intention of the iPad though. As you say, it is for consumers. By a technical definition, even an alarm clock is a computer. By the social definition, a computer is something that is capable of doing more than what comes with it out of the box, i.e. adding OS

@vinod1978: That is all built into the system. I think what he meant (and I may be reading too much into this) is that if I wanted to, say, create my own program I could not do it on the iPad. Most computers have the ability to run software that allows creation of applications on a code scale, rather than a GUI scale.

@vinod1978: If you're talking about the iPhone, that statement is false sir. I've seen people do everything except make a call on an iPhone. Of course I'm joking for the most part, and people do use the iPhone as a phone, I just never see anyone call from the iPhone.

@blub: And judging by technology standards, excepting the screen size differential, they could probably be just as powerful, and just as useful, as the iPhone first gen.

@spinnaker0: If that were the case you would owe them about 200 dollars right there.

@Kobun: So you can bury the many Wii games that are shoveled out?

@dracosummoner: That first was done by PA, this is something written and drawn by others, but based off the original series.

@Bassem B.: Wasn't that determined to be accidental though? I mean, sure it was Google who said that it was, but I don't see a reason that Google would do it intentionally. The most used search engine in the world does not need to steal peoples info. They already have everything on you, whether you like looking a

@CaptainJack: I was talking about the video, which looked to be a bit of an earlier build of said product.

In think people are failing to realize that this UI is probably not going to be out until sometime around the end of next year. What you are seeing in the video is very much in the needs improvement category because they are still working on it. I'm sure that the things they showed will be quite a bit faster during

@Cheznor: Okay, that makes it better. Triceratops is a way better sounding name that Torosaurus. I'll spare science... for now.

Damn you science! Damn you to hell!