Howard Blair

no. 20% is an extremely generous tip. Call me a fucking jerk all you want. Tipping is stupid and sexist, and we should be pushing for a change that sees servers paid a fair wage and doesn’t put customers in that awkward situation of tipping. IT DOES NOT CREATE BETTER SERVICE. And you know what? The 2% they’re shorted

I appreciate the tip on how to do it. I still just don’t understand why you’d want to.

Not a fan of Secret Wars (I think it’s about the worst thing that happened to Marvel in the ‘80s), but it did predate Crisis by a year.

Trump’s whole presidency is a mockery of laws and justice.

I agree, this is 100% on brand for Captain America. People who don’t understand the character well just assume that he must be some jingoistic representation of ‘Murica Uber Alles, but he’s always been more about trying to make America be its best self.

I’m still confused as to why people follow their favorite brands on Instagram in the first place. Really, why are we following “brands” at all? These are the cynical marketing arms of organizations whose sole purpose is to extract as much money from you as possible. They aren’t gonna make you happy, and you certainly

Channels are actually narrow bands of communication frequencies.

2.4Ghz has 11 channels in the US. And only three of them are viable due to radio overlap, 1, 6, and 11. There are three more channels in other countries but US routers don’t get them.

5Ghz has 25 channels, and part of the technology that makes it so much

Hey, just be happy you don’t have JJ and Kurtzman taking a torch to everything you loved.

Are you by any chance, Nigerian royalty?.. Asking for a friend.

This is the stupidest god damned controversy ever. In a game where you’re traveling back in time in the mind of an ancestor, people are upset that that ancestor had to procreate to continue the bloodline that allows the game’s plot to happen at all? If you’re offended by this shit, you’re a dork and need to get a life.

when you completely miss the point on purpose

I assume they’re using 3 because this is supposedly connected to the original two movies, whereas the reboot obviously wasn’t.

What in the world does Apple sell that would make an “Apple Prime” subscription even remotely interesting?

Music, apps, videos and books, and like 5 device models. A subscription service from Apple will be far more like “Apple Netflix” than “Apple Prime” oh and it will almost certainly be a subscription service that

But at the same pressure and elevation, it hasn’t changed from last year.

Nearly every single complaint on this list could be solved by basic technical competency or the foresight to understand her professional and personal needs. The writer failed to take the basic precautionary step of signing out of iMessage, something that dozens of tech blogs counsel those who switch away from Apple do

The tickets are free. I'm not sure how that qualifies as a "money grab".

I think snyder thought he was directing the watchmen. He basically took that subtext and rubbed it all over this movie. Its not that he had his original take on Superman, its that he didn’t. In so many articles, he admits obliquely that he didnt really understand superman. So he jettisoned the stuff he didnt get and

I agree that the characters change so frequently in the comics that big screen variations should get less ire.

I’ll take it over being one of those weirdos that uses possessives for plurals. ;)

Anyone else notice in the panel after they start dancing Spidey has his full suit on (you can see his shoulders are costumed) but in the rest of the panels before and after he has bare shoulders? Oops.