Howard Blair

His name is Arthur Fleck?

Little do you know that I am the video person here, and I can make a video about anything.

No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.

Jack Dorsey literally attached his name to a post just the other day about why they wouldn’t ban Jones. The CEO of Twitter was literally carrying water for this dude. And then dude went after him anyways.

Me neither. 5-7 tabs tops.

Guys that sucked real bad 

First Brendan Fraser, and now Alan Tudyk as a villain?

First off, you could just keep a running list of “Trump doesn’t understand....” articles at the ready, and have half your work done for the next few, hopefully very few, years.

It may be 6 months for some, but not everyone gets the Disney channel. It only came out on disc last week, short turnaround to watch a whole season.

Like I said, keep the spoiler off the main page and save it for the main article.

Maroon and burgundy are shades of red. Let’s not be pedantic because the shade of red isn’t the one you want.

The Windows 10 media player has always been hot garbage, imo. But if that works for you, then by all means—stick with it! I, and many others, feel that VLC is a superior app for its considerable capabilities: excellent hardware transcoding, tons of video and audio filters, subtitle support, a cleaner UI... the list

Well, to start none of those are faster than Notepad++.

That was amazing.

And today’s prize for “Pedant Completely Missing the Point to Try and Sound Smart” goes to...

Don’t forget Captain Pike

“slash-dotted” because

“Utopia Planitia”.. Do I spot a Star Trek reference?

“Sometime in the early 21st century, massive forest growth began to crowd out human settlement on the North American continent, and the reclamation by forest seems to have been a man-made phenomenon.

M b ps there are 8 bs in a B. Keep in mind the server you are downloading from can be the bottleneck too. 100 Mbps on your side wont make their 2 Mbps any faster.