Howard Blair

I agree. Sure, it's cosmetically appealing but it's brutal. Simple. I purchased Mister here but never thought twice about asking if he would be docked or not; I realized quickly how cruel it is, along with ear cropping. If I could change it then I would. It should be regulated, if not abolished.

(Mister is very much

All of this goes for ears as well. let's just stop mutilating animals.

Anyone who does this for cosmetic reasons should be arrested for animal cruelty and never allowed to own a pet again.

It may go up but the competition comcast and TW will be subjected to will drive it back down. We are getting screwed so badly right now I really can't believe people think this is going to make it worse.

Well ... he doesn't strike me as all there.

Your post is irrelevant. What the OP said was: Religion should be outlawed. It causes nothing but problems.

That's not strictly pedantic, it's merely wholly irrelevant.

I think we broke the website.

I stand corrected. Or, in Pike's case, sit.

Because it was a stupid scene and wasted a shit ton of time.

A "lawyer" isn't somebody who went to low school or even somebody who passed the bar exam. It means somebody who actively carries on the practice of law.

In short: "lawyers" have clients. By that definition — I highly doubt it. Would you hire her?

"Survived" domestic abuse. Tell me: what would a failure to survive it

I wish I had your optimism about this, Evan. When I saw the trailer, the first thought I had was "They want to make a Fantastic Four film that resembles Interstellar." If there are two things that don't resemble one another, it's the FF and Interstellar. This hard sci-fi bent...I don't know if FF works best like that.

Nice to see ST: TNG getting some love Tyler. Glad the Navy sees the logic in the setup.

Oh, and TNG was well before the lens flare crap.

Actually, no, it isn't. Historically, those with resources in excess of what was needed for survival have used conspicuous consumption to advertise it. Those without such excess then ape what they see in order to seem to be wealthier. It looks much more like an as yet ineradicable part of human nature rather than a

Couldn't that easily be reversed to say he was banished for being a brunet? It seems like the key is that the color was different than the other Atlanteans, not that it was specifically blond.

This is to food what Hentai is to porn.

I freely admit that I am absolutely the opposite of a "foodie". Give me a burger and fries, or steak and potatoes, over any of this, at any time.

Found the person who didn't take/failed stats classes...

Not sure it counts. but Clippy was certainly pretty useless and annoying.