Howard Blair

*Yawn* Tired joke is tired.

Falling, by definition, is just being drawn toward another massive body by gravitation. Whatever direction gravity is pulling you is "down" regardless of your orientation.

You mean "piqued"

My understanding of it was that Wolverine was chosen for the adamantium process because he, with his healing factor, was the only subject who would be able to survive the ongoing adamantium poisoning. He was active for years before that and never had a problem with muscular hypertrophy.

PLEASE! PLEASE!!! I hate this goddamn hacker crap!!

iphone users AMIRITE!!!!???

English may not have the most native speakers, but it's very common as a second language as a result of the spread of technology and commerce.

The Federation probably could cure Picard's baldness. However, Jean-Luc Picard is Jean-Luc Picard, and Jean-Luc Picard doesn't give a fuck.

I honestly hate all this totem crap. I like my Spider-man about science run amok.

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Being saved from Internet Explorer is a bit like being saved from scurvy. Everyone has already moved on, right?

It says that presidents used to only speak to highly-educated (read wealthy and white) men and now they try to speak to more than that.

1) Yeah, duh, this is a reboot. DC got a sales boost from one a few years back, now Marvel wants one too (and theirs will inevitably be bigger than DC's given the current sales trends).

They won't be going in without a WARRANT. That is the issue here.


A solution to a problem no one really has.

Spawn was great when you were going into puberty and you were mad at the world and discovering heavy metal. It was everywhere, it was insanely popular.

If it was up to me, I'd go with a John Stewart GL.

Why would it be the US government's responsibility to prevent an attack on a private network?