
I think they're far from one-note. They're subversive. Andre is playing a gay character who is the straight man, to an exaggerated degree only previously reserved for Ron Swanson. His gayness is barely used at all, and never as a joke. Terry Crews was expected to be a tough, loud guy, but he's a tough, loud guy with

I think that's when I thought "this is what I've been waiting for since season 3 started."

I thought about it the other day and I think that his divorce and family arcs ground the show in reality. Instead of cutting to the police station for B-plots, you have a character who has usefulness to the characters (a higher power, another man with a gun, someone who can protect them from public

Gina Torres or bust


I don't think they'd do that. The Jenny-Abbie relationship still has layers to explore and I read an interview that basically said that the show doesn't want her dead. With Irving in jail, I think Jenny will be needed to break him out or assist him in something to do with his daughter.

And then they played Sympathy for the Devil and I SCREAMED. These jerks!!


I thought that sounded like Lil Wayne. He could have done a more squinty face but when I saw Wayne do that "celebrities read mean tweets" thing for Kimmel he sounded and looked pretty much exactly like Drake.

I think only the end of the sleepover party was icky. That coma reveal tainted the joke. Tumblr is overflowing with "dad humor", how the users want to "stunt on your dad" or whatever, so that sketch made me really happy because I think hot dads are a hilarious topic to joke about. But the buildup to "horny" versus "I

Drake's natural speaking voice makes me wonder how a pitch-perfect vocal impression would go. Jay P has more of a command on the vocal tone. Drake was also trying to do a child version of that voice. They didn't give Drake a lot of Jay things to do - just the "crazy for this one" reactions. As he was supposed to be

If you liked his personality, you might enjoy some of his romantic songs like "Hold On We're Going Home" (the second song he performed) or "Best I Ever Had" (his breakout single). He did a great job last night, I agree.

I would love Jack on this show. I would love Jack on any show. I can not get enough of that lovable little man. His Barnes and Noble commercials made my Christmas, knowing that he got this big national ad campaign.

Those two are both doing better things, though I think Jenny had promise enough to stay for a few seasons. Jenny has the Obvious Child movie (I loved the short film) and Marcel the Shell. Michaela is doing flawless work every week on Trophy Wife. It's a great role for her and wouldn't have happened if she was still on

It was. It is pretty repetitive. The second song, where he actually sings, is a favorite from last year.

Yeah, I don't think the joke was that Rahat was stupid but that there was a language and cultural barrier. I have definitely met people like Rahat. I like that Nasim brings characters like this to life - she also did the motivational speaker and I enjoyed the diversity. Maybe more characters like this will allow the

I would enjoy Nasim on the desk. Now that Seth is gone, we won't have Ariana/Seth moments, so they can just give Nasim a separate Huffington sketch. It's been a popular character for her, and I think people would enjoy a Huffington talk show/etc.

I don't get why she was picked. I love her sketches and her characters. She's being wasted behind the desk. Mike O'Brien should have tried the desk as a veteran writer, maybe with Kyle Mooney who has a "weird" energy I'd like to see shake up the format a little. I'm really bummed that she's stuck behind a desk and

I love not only that Aidy is willing to play unflattering characters but that in sketches like Twin Bed she's been given some genuinely sexy moments.(You know, she was sexual but they didn't have her like break her childhood bed) And in the sleepover sketch, I think the source of the humor wasn't "she's large and so

Could Taran ever be used enough? Probably not, for me. His impressions are far-reaching and not only accurate but funny, and his look lets him play anything from hipster-Macklemore types (the Resolution Revolution sketch) to various celebrities and old men/young students/etc. I love Jay's impressions and could use