
I've seen her Zooey and I wasn't even impressed with that. She and a few of the new guys are weak elements. If you put Brooks, John, and Beck in a room I would not be able to tell them apart and I don't think any have gotten to do a particularly worthy impression yet. Kyle Mooney has a unique look and definitely seems

If Jay did Kanye West as one of Michelle's friends I would have lost my fucking mind.


And everyone looked incredible. Sasheer, girl, those LEGS. And Taran in those glasses had me swooning.

Good point about the lines. Maybe as a rapper, memorization comes easy to him, but yeah, I didn't remember him flubbing any words or pacing a line incorrectly. He seemed very comfortable.

For a guy who as we know has no acting experience, he was fantastic. Maybe his skills as a performer (also powerful) just made him more comfortable than some actors who have no stage/audience experience.

I was extremely surprised and the episode made me a big fan. Funny, totally game, very honest about his "white sad guy/dad type" persona. I even really enjoyed how sharp his comedic timing is - look at how he and Taran synced so well in the Resolution song. I would be really happy to see him become a Justin Timberlake

Drexel. Hated it, but loved Philly!

Oh geez, which school?

But then Anders Holm and Ben Feldman were of the same time issue and weren't FX. I definitely agree about why those actors were presented as options, though, because who would naturally suggest those actors for parts on this show otherwise?

I thought it was Chicago for at least a whole season (supported by Cece's car shows and small-scale modeling gigs and how pale all of these people are) because Nick mentioned Chicago at one point. It seems that now they've made more of an effort to show the outside and it seems more LA.

Andy Dwyer Syndrome all over again. I'd like to see him as a cop, though. Unfortunately, that might mean less of him as they'd have to put him through training. Or they could do a time jump.

I agree with your point. I think Coach has been a large mistake. I'm just not enjoying him and it's making me not enjoy seeing Damon Wayans Jr., so that's a sin.

I agree. They are kinda jerky to each other, but not in an It's Always Sunny sense where it stems from long, long-time relationships and family history. It's Always Sunny is a distorted reality so their deplorability is excused, but you are supposed to guess that this show is pretty realistic and in that case

I had an ex-boyfriend on my Philly college campus that I dreaded running into and in a year I probably saw him just 3 times. In a year. That's a small 10-block campus and LA is a whole giant city-county. How would Danny or Mindy think that a major city with various neighborhoods and hubs of culture/people would be a

I don't think I've ever laughed at Morgan except for the pizza box scene. And that wasn't something he said, that was just a physical moment any two people could have tried.

Okay, that makes sense, I don't know if that played on Howerton's face, but I get that that's a logical thought process. I wish it was executed better.

It's not like he was standing near the computer when he was talking to her, though - I get that he saw them and immediately reacted, but then have Cliff seated at the computer looking at the photos, or opening an email from a friend. How did a photo of those two randomly pop up on his screen when he was across the

Eventually, Danny will be that man. But I've been complaining about this forever. Find a Justin Long type, who's a name and a draw but isn't committed to a show at the moment. New Girl has done that quite a bit and it works because you're not sure how long that relationship or arc might last - the only misstep I saw

How has she not aged? At ALL? I love that Charles kept talking about how beautiful she is because it should have been said. And I was pleased to see a good comedic sense from her. I'm used to soapy Alias acting.