
Schur has involvement with soulmate pairings - The Office was loaded with them (Pam/Jim, Angela/Dwight, Michael/Holly and others were played with) and Parks has Ben and Leslie. Whatever he's involved with seems to have a firm soulmate pairing with a triangle before it's sorted out and the triangle is clear enough that

Can Babou come back?

I thought the cop and vet storylines were ditched as some result of Guardians of the Galaxy (Pratt probably let them know way in advance) so they set up this "these two are going to be happy right here where they are" theme they've been giving April. For two very young people whose marriage came from a very impulsive,

As someone who just watched every episode of Cheers (and is now in season 4 of Frasier) you make a good point. They even carried this theme over when never letting Sam and Rebecca get together as well as Cliff and Margaret having a happy ending.

People don't enjoy the Greg Pikitis episode?! Whaa?

If there was only the "good idea" joke, I would have been happy. The Shark Tank plus Larry was too much dogpiled on. It wasn't needed. The producer's cut had Harris Wittels do an invention of some sort. I would have rather seen that time with Jerry go to Harris or random townspeople. I would have, for example, been

I think I've found some episodes in 5 and 6 (ones I remember being disappointed by especially when they include characters I don't enjoy like Jamm) but that's less boring than underwhelming. The plots are still new and rarely remind me of things other shows have done. After 6 seasons, you're still getting A B and C

Every time he said "porno" I laughed. He is really gifted. Enough to make me want to check out House of Lies.

Especially because we've only seen them go on their honeymoon before that. It's a small town and they aren't a Prius, Whole Foods kind of couple. Ben can probably pay for Paris.

I would be into that. If anyone not named Jean Ralphio gets a spin-off, I would want it to be her. It's a great character to have either surrounded by morons or have surrounded by cutthroat social climbers. I'd love to see a reality show parody, as was done on 30 Rock.

But Chang told the group that he laid the lie to rest and confronted his culpability in the situation during his first appearance. That's what I meant by "done away with." For Chang to come back, it had to be addressed, and it wasn't addressed with spending more than one minute of time and not even a C plot on it.

The professor is SO OLD….

I think you just broke this man's spirit. Wow.

I'm so, so glad that was done away with with the most simple explanation ever in Repilot. I yelled "VICTORY" and fell off the bed.

The joke works both ways! I would have been amused by that joke if it was in the season 3 premiere. In fact, I would have been more amused then.

You heard…anything she said, other than the fancied line? I had to look up people's transcripts of the scene for the "bossy" line which completely contradicts everything we've seen of her. So now we have one fact about her. I still want a little of her life outside the TARDIS.

By rifle, do you mean in the En of Time when he and Martha were shown together? I'm pretty sure he was acting more as a soldier than some kind of anarchist punk. You can say soldiers are violent if you want but my idea of violence here is more "attacking someone who can not defend themselves". So if he had punched the

I'm still confused at what she does when she's not in the TARDIS. It seems like every episode now makes a nod to the fact that she's not there all the time as we assume Amy and Rory were (they even conceived a child in the TARDIS). But we see her with her family, not seeming to have a great time. No friends that we've

Perhaps. I enjoy Coleman a lot. She has a sweet face and a kindness to her that reminds me of Rose. She gave some very interesting characterization to Oswin and Victorian!Clara, but unfortunately the modern Clara is quite bland now that her intriguing mystery was revealed 3 series too early.

Mickey had a better arc than Amy, to be honest, in half the time. We see him get involved in a cause, accept that his girlfriend/first love? has moved on, work out his resentment towards the Doctor for "stealing her away," and then wind up married to Martha (a strong, capable, and after her time with 10 INDEPENDENT