Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

at least there is marginal revenue for each additional uber ride.  For MoviePass the *more* people used the product, the *higher* the expenses, but revenue stayed the same.  MoviePass (seemingly) was attempting to recreate the gym membership model, but the big difference is that people enjoy going to the movies...

on the contrary.  That is a pretty common thing on ‘strange addiction’ type shows.  There are grieving widows out there in scores chowing down on cremains.  Just turn on TLC.

well, i mean, if you’re unable to do parts of your job due to your religion, “reasonable accommodations” are made.  Not that I support this guy, not one bit.  

Personally, I’ve never heard anyone make claims like this after the test. My husband and I did 23 and Me to be sure there weren’t any genetic red flags prior to starting a family. I was a bit surprised to learn I’m only 99.8% European, but I haven’t “used” that information. I don’t even really remember was the other

Taxi Driver is such a good movie.  it really stuck with me.

she did have hyperemesis gravidarum; I have no clue if that correlates to vomiting during labor, but she sure as shit did not have an easy pregnancy.

it’s likely that the cover was shot far in advance.  Maybe before she was pregnant or showing.

I think it is important to call out behaviors that do disservice to other women.

I’m the opposite.  I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of flying, but recently for some reason turbulence can terrify me.  I guess it’s because I’ve built this life I really love and if something happened to me or my person it would seem devastating in a way that I guess it didn’t when I was 20...

I was just thinking this: that this doesn’t just hurt the individual women who are coming forward right now, we all have to open our wounds so that someone somewhere might see us bleed.  Every time.

i mean, all snark aside, salt water pools are awesome (and seem more common than chlorine pools at this point).

This just annoys me b/c praying mantis don’t eat their mates in nature, only under the stress of captivity. 

many white boys dont... alas.

Because truth isn’t truth anymore, they will still call it both, with a straight face.

if it doesn’t work out on your second try, I believe that prescription snorkel masks exist.  Probably super expensive, but better than squinting if it’s in your budget?

formerly a contact lens/glasses wearer here (I got LASIK and never looked back):

Crows are super smart, though, and I’ve heard of a similar gambit which led to the trash collecting animal tearing the trash up into smaller pieces because they get a treat for each individual piece.  So I bet these crows are going to start getting greedy and game the system somehow...

OOOOOOooooh my sister and I did Glamour Shots when I was about 10!  What I recall is some super strange contortions required for their crazy poses, and that they put a shit ton of makeup on me but no mascara.  I’m super blonde, so it was weird with all this eyeliner on my 10 y.o. face but blonde-ass eyelashes...

I remember reading that in an article a couple of years ago and feeling like I’d dodged a bullet. I took the pill for 10 years before I switched to Mirena. The first 5 years I took it at 7am like clockwork, the latter 5... it was “at bedtime”.  So the fact that I never got pregnant during those years seems miraculous.

also she was in Ocean’s 8...