Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

his comment about water is reminding me of Ted Cruz talking about there not being a rubber shortage wrt birth control. (at least I think it was Cruz, anyway).  Enraging to an insane degree.

what is WITH this family and wearing OBVIOUSLY BRAND NEW apparel when they’re trying to look “relatable” and “of the people”. How do they not know how much of a dead giveaway it is???

perhaps it’s because she’s an Aussie, but that is a spider the way that a shark is a fish.  It’s *technically true* but somehow misses the point...

I mean. sure. if it weren’t Jenny frickin McCarthy.  I’ll never not think she’s dumb as shit due to her anti-vax BS.

one million percent, that is the google home.  I’d recognize it anywhere and she is stupid as shit.

railings *are* required per building code.

oh please.  My best friend’s husband is 5'8" and he is great.  Another of my friend’s husband is like 5'6" (she’s 5'9") and he is also a cool dude.  Being shorter than average is not why women don’t like him... it’s cuz he’s an asshole prolly.

seriously... one of the major themes from the show is that John B. felt he didn’t have any family that cared about his welfare, just the potential of the gold he’d hid.

When Bradley Whitford showed up on Handmaid’s Tale, I literally turned to my husband and said “Oh SHIT.  It’s Joshy.”

When will we stop blaming women for the things men do? When? And it is some deeply ingrained shit; feminists on here do it alllll the time.

he probably just wants some of Boris’ sweet hair styling tips.

jesus, *here* we go...

jesus, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.

unless it’s super hot out, a well cut suit should be super comfortable.

I think also men don’t know how to break in their shoes.  Like they’ll wear dress shoes *for the first time ever* to a special event and be shocked they got blisters.  Like, duh?  You gotta ease into that shit.

same, I find regular underwear to be so bunchy.

the number of times I’ve abraded my left nipple with my wedding rings getting out of a sports bra... oof.

If they can take Laura Ingalls Wilder off this prize, they can rename the Wilson School.

I feel... like men who want to become OB/GYNs... should undergo psychiatric screening or something...

apparently his only personal code of ethics is “not technically illegal == a-ok!”