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which, btw, is not a crime, whilst walking across the border is a misdemeanor.  cuz reasons.

fuuuuuuuuck. So basically b/c PCCs are churches dressed up as healthcare, they get more rights than actual healthcare providers, who can be required to lie to their patients.

I’m not so sure that modern paint can be removed from the existing 16th century paint...

seriously, though, I don’t understand how there are laws requiring doctors to LIE to women, but it’s undue burden to provide actual, true information. Like, someone please explain, I don’t get it.

I totally feel this.  And yet some “former” friends of mine on FB of the republican persuasion use this as reasons why liberals are whiny children.  I honestly feel crazy most days.

goddamnit. The US has had open borders for the vast majority of the years in which we’ve been a country. The “porous” border we had up until the 70s facilitated circular migration with relatively few permanently settled undocumented immigrants. He is so fucking clueless it is giving me hypertension.

I think about Emily Blunt doing this move allll the time. I can just barely do a clumsy version of it now (my fave yoga instructor is basically a drill sergeant compared to the typical yoga instructor). If I ever get that good I’ll probably literally die.

that’s the thing. They’ve made it pretty clear that he won’t be indicted unless impeached and removed from office.

“pres. jackwagon”

THIS IS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT LATELY. He is using eeevvverrrry trick in the emotional abuser’s toolkit on the american people.

you know what. That’s ok. Who among us doesn’t have some bullshit opinion that we wish we didn’t have and can’t reconcile? tis human, I think. What’s important (and admirable) is that you are honest about it and recognize that the opinion doesn’t convert to denying the people involved their rights.

maybe you should consider your stance not as “against sex work” but more that you decline to participate in or consume the services of sex work?

I went to a gyno in college for something they thought would be no big deal (I ended up having to have surgery) and the resident had to call in the attending gyno for a consult. He was a one million year old man, I was 18 and had never had a pelvic exam before. He grabbed my labia firmly with both hands and pulled up

Anyone know why they’re suing instead of charging them with fraud or whatever? Seems like (white) (rich) people are rarely charged with a crime, but I’m pretty sure that fraud is one.

exactly my point. That’s why an influx of these requests would be overwhelming to the recipient.

I thought that as well, but... they establish it pretty handily later on. The exchange w/ Heidi Klum seemed... pointed? I dunno, I’m probably over thinking it, but my husband asked me afterwards what the inside joke was with Heidi Klum, so we felt the same way. *shrug emoji*

right; the difference being that influencers are reaching out to properties cold. It sounds like the frustration is coming from not having the option to opt in, but feel like they can’t afford to opt out.

the “influencers” I follow maybe aren’t the typical ones; they have actual jobs that they document on IG, etc, which I’m into. Specifically interior designers. That’s my jam.

probably because working with the right influencers could be really effective for them, so they can’t just reject everyone; they need to actually look into them to figure out who has a real following and who doesn’t. It sounds like a TON of work.

Agreed! Now maybe you can help me answer a question. Was there any significance to the brief exchange b/w Heidi and Debbie in German? It seemed like a reference or an easter egg or something but I can’t figure it out. Like, did Heidi wear Deb’s dress on the red carpet in real life a few years ago or something?