Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

feminism doesn’t mean women can do no wrong.

and apropos, in a way. Nick Offerman refers to 45 as Nacho on Twitter (not sure the origin of that moniker) but I’m ok w/ it.

well, she’s jewish and canadian. not your typical country musician.

One summer in college my two roomates left town for internships and lined up sublets. Only problem was, I was staying in town that summer and I had ZERO say in approving the subletters. One was an extremely cool guy who I am still friends with (we ended up living together in a different apartment after graduation) but

MAJOR SPECULATION: sounds like the father may have been low-key abusive.

I just started watching Luther. I literally don’t know what took me so long. I love gritty procedurals, I love Idris Elba, I love british television. It is literally the trifecta. Wake UP Horsey!

I take it the “pyramid scheme” was MLM. God help us all if a run-in w/ multi-level marketing disqualified us from pressing charges against assailants.

alluding, not eluding.


I used to watch House Hunters but then I started looking to buy a condo when I was v poor and my budget was SO LOW I just couldn’t look at their stupid faces buying a 6 BR mansion for like $350k. Granted it would be in like Omaha or Ames or whatever but STILLLLLL.

for sure, 2 hours of sleep per night is not sustainable... to put it lightly. You wouldn’t be able to function after a few days of that, let alone any extended period of time.

they did say in the ep that their photog flaked IIRC. It seemed to me that there was something else about the wedding going unsaid that they beefed over... mysterious.

the best I can come up with is some insane puritanical concept of “purity” for the dancers/cheerleaders.

I swing between two extremes wildly on Jonathan. I’ll go from rolling my eyes and thinking how annoying he is to like literally laughing out loud and wishing he was my friend IRL. I can’t quite reconcile how I can hold both opinions of him simultaneously, but there it is.

exactly. My MIL just had it, and an aunt on my mother’s side did as well. My MIL had to wear sunglasses for a while post-op due to the sheer increase in light entering her eye! Crazy.

ok, well, I don’t believe in the paranormal. So: still bullshit IMO and empirically.

I don’t disagree with you that white supremacy sucks. The Jennifer Grey example doesn’t seem relevant in this case (IMO); she was much earlier in her career when she had her ill-fated nose job than Renée was when she had her surgery.

true, of course. I attempt to take a charitable view of why people do the things they do when I don’t know the details. Many blepharoplasties are medically necessary. It doesn’t seem likely (to me) that she would drastically alter her appearance (and her physical ties to her ethnicity) once she’d already built a well

the real story here is why the fuck does he need a dining set for his m-f’ing office?!? I’m so confused.

I was just puzzling over this. As a Millenium junkie when they first came out, I was chomping at the bit for all the movies (swedish and the first installment of the american one). This seems quite confusing that they’d skip two books and recast... I guess it’s a whole different project?