Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

many people with heavily hooded eyes have to have a blepharoplasty for medical reasons. My mother in law, for one, was hardly able to keep her eyes physically open due to the heaviness of her lids. The surgery is often covered by insurance. So many assume the worst, most vain intentions. Renée’s distinctive look was

I’m positive that whoever will be singing in the biopic will have extensive vocal coaching to mimic Judy’s signature sliding vocal style. Let’s all just wait and see. I was skeptical about Reese as June Carter and we all saw how that worked out. (swimmingly)


people keep saying this, but I’m a huge fan of Matt Smith from his the doctor days, and I wholeheartedly love the Crown. I’m only one person, sure, but there *is* overlap. I personally love television with a maximal amount of british accents, if I were to summarize my viewing preferences. So both shows are squarely in

I just got my first pair of Gekks (the ones w/ silver thread that stick into your shoe and you leave there) for my Vans and I quite like them. Comfy, and don’t budge.

From what I’ve heard, “facilitated communication” is bullshit anyway.

downside mitigated by the fact that vasectomies are reversible.

This is why veterans don’t have coverage for IVF.

good lord that’s a beautiful ad. She’s a phenomenal dancer, clearly with quite a bit of formal training. As a former dancer it makes my heart sing a bit.

They could say, “Learning from past errors, these two powerful white hollywood men adopting the inclusion rider”


you’re thinking of reverse *racism*. That is what is not a thing. Discrimination doesn’t include a specific historical power dynamic. Racism does. Anyone can discriminate against anyone else by making decisions about them without knowing anything about them.

isn’t that the point? Privileged people using their privilege to induce more inclusion? Like that is literally the whole point of the inclusion rider.

I respect your viewpoint, but my perception is that she isn’t the one doing the blathering. It’s others trying to discredit her. Please correct me if I’m mistaken on that.

My perception is that she has not called it out on her own. I believe I read she added it to her Harvard directory profile in an effort to network with others who may have similar family backgrounds, and/or connect with people with whom she has this familial “legend” in common or whathaveyou.

I mean. to be clear tho. she’s an adult film actor, not a prostitute. neither here nor there, but...

Hey, cocktail hour is a state of mind, if you ask me.

I have a dear friend from college (gay man) who went on at length one night about how unappealing he found my legs because they’re slender. Like, thanks for saying my legs are slender i guess? but? it’s still really hurtful?

Yeah, the whole boob/crotch-grope-its-okay-im-gay gambit? Not cool, never been cool.