Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

unfortunately, many of us subconsciously think that acting like we don’t like other women makes us a “cool girl.”

one word: arugula

same, no doubt about it.

come on. If they made boozy Peach-Pear, ppl would be ALLLLLLL over it.

don’t forget how people also blame abusive/domineering fathers for their abusive behavior towards women.

I bought a silk kimono on etsy for not too much. I highly recommend.

ugh I’m pretty over this “Lena Dunham is the devil” situation. She’s not my favorite by any stretch, but whatever.

the n-word used by a white person makes me feel super uncomfortable, as opposed to its use by a black person which feels more colloquial.


I went to high school with a girl who did the “five finger grasp”, it’s the weirdest writing grip I’ve ever seen. She was our valedictorian and I think she’s a doctor now.

in other news to make you feel weird about life: the creator of the frontal lobotomy as a procedure to “treat” mental illness won a Nobel prize for it...

you, like my husband, are thinking of Roseanne Barr. Different person altogether. Rosie O’Donnell is as anti-Trump as you can get, considering he has a very personal vendetta against her.

I read this book like 10 years ago (probably almost to the day) and I remember LOVING it. I was in a bit of an Ian McEwan kick and this one just gutted me. But not in the weep openly on a bus (like Atonement) but more in a “stare blankly out the window for 15 hours” kind of way.

OMG the remake is amazing, the original is meh. The only good part is the dad getting stuck in the kitchen making millions of martinis.

I can vouch for this. I have chronic migraines and early on I cried daily for a month. Being in pain can literally drive you insane.

I don’t really give a shit about Lena Dunham (I liked Girls, I don’t get the hate) but I LOVE the b*tch eating crackers meme. It just SO sums up how I feel about some people. Generally people who I actually know IRL, like my dumbass manager. She can fuck off forever.

um, I feel like there were 2...

lol I read right over that typo.

after seeing the preview for this in the theater, I leaned to Mr. Horse and whispered: “i don’t know which is worse... the wigs, or her ‘russian’ accent...”

I think what we have here is a combination of spotlight bias and pressure for hot takes/clicks.