Very Stable Real Man of Genius

Oh man, that takes me back.

+1 Cufflink.

The game was ump’d by Enrico Palazzo.

Your screen name is criminally understarred. Well done Very Stable Real Man of Genius.


“Are they booing me?!”

Trump wasn’t the only boob at the game.

He’ll say it’s treason to disrespect the President. At which point, someone needs to pull out all his tweets about Obama and lock him up!

And then there’s also this bit of heartwarming goodness:

I hate saying this, but this was worth the Dodgers loss.

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.


Or “Future social media intern for the Trump administration”

“You think maybe we should double-ch—”

Goddamnit...I don’t have very high expectations for Mizzou, or Missouri, or humanity in general, but nice to know I can still be surprised.

They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”

So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.

you poor bastards, at least there’s comfort in knowing it’ll all be over soon.

Considering he looks like a penis, no one should be surprised that he acted like a dickhead.